Page 21 of Teach Me Sweetly
t you, all I'm seeing is a woman I want in my bed.'
"Because… when I look at you, I see a woman, not a little girl. So that makes me a hypocrite."
She gives me one of those looks that makes me imagine things I shouldn't. I fist my hands, so I don't rip her school uniform.
She stands up after checking her phone. “I better leave for school.”
I was planning on staying home and write all day until it’s time for the class, but in a sudden change of heart, I stand up with her. “I’ll drive you,” I say. “Since we both go there,” I add quickly.
She shrugs, and I head for the bedroom to put on another t-shirt.
The headmaster keeps giving me a disapproving look whenever he sees me with a t-shirt instead of a button down, but fuck him.
The ride to school is silent. I realize she's not really much of a talker, but I can see the wheels in her mind turning every second of the day. She'd be a good writer, she has a way with words, her emotions bottled up to use, and she keeps observing like she’s collecting inspiration from anything and everything. I feel the need to read things she writes. Not just assignments. Something more personal, less filtered. Maybe a journal. She sure looks like a journal type even though I didn't think that the first time I saw her. Now that I know she has a storm inside her, I know she would be pouring those emotions to the paper.
She gets out of the car when I park in the lot. I see the way she lifts her chin up. Her demeanor suddenly changes from calm and observing to defensive and mysterious. I look around to see what caused the change. And I know the crowd watching us, watching her. I can almost hear the whispers.
Is that what she always deals with?
“Mr. Richards?” I hear someone call my name.
“Mr. John,” I say, turning to face him.
When he realizes I’m not walking toward him, he grunts, “A word please.”
I frown but walk away from the car to him so I hear what he may say.
"I see you get along well with Miss Faye," he says. His tone accusing. Glaring at him, I don't answer him. Only wait for him to continue. "I just want to warn you about Miss Faye. You're young and healthy, and I can understand that you may get attracted to her. God knows the girl looks like a woman," he starts, and I fist my hand. He fucking wants her. He's twice as my age, but he fucking wants her. He must sense my growing anger. He clears his throat before continuing, "All I'm saying is, she has quite a reputation around the school. You may want to be careful. It wouldn't be worth the career," he finishes.
The fury boils inside me. I want to punch his fucking face, but I use all my willpower to control myself.
How dare he fucking talk about a student like that? A girl he knows nothing about.
“Mr. John,” I snap and continue, “Let me tell you this, Miss Faye is a very bright young woman who has a bright future awaiting her, hopefully away from this shitty town and its shitty people.” I took a deep breath while glaring at him. “But I recommend you to focus your attention to the students who gave her the said reputation instead of blaming a young woman with other’s accusations,” I grit out and turn my back to see Evangeline.
She’s been watching us. And I can tell she knows we were talking about her.
“Just be careful, young man,” Mr. John says behind me as I walk toward Evangeline. But she doesn’t wait for me to reach her. Instead, she heads for the school with quick steps.
I watch her.
I watch her, and I want to punch everything and everyone who sets eyes on her.
Something inside me aches and gets mad when I see the hurt in her eyes. It's almost visible when she puts up the walls around her. The innocence and young excitement from the morning leave her features, and she accepts the role of the girl everyone thinks she is.
Is it really a bad idea to kiss her in front of everyone and take her away from all this madness?
Whispers are louder today.
Have you seen them?
They came to school together.
I’m sure they already did it.