Page 17 of Sage (Club Nymph 3)
I don’t know if he’s threatening or worshiping me with his words, but before I can decide, he continues, “Twenty fucking years have passed and I’m still dreaming of you every day.” He nibbles my neck as he fights with the ropes. “Fucking untie me, Nikki!”
He’s shaking with frustration. His need is so strong it’s almost scary, but I’m not scared. I’m truly turned on. My thong is sticking to my wet folds, and I’m sure I’m leaving a mark on his dark jeans, but neither of us cares.
I turn again on his lap and straddle his strong thighs, pulling his head by his hair. He grunts but lifts his hips to create the delicious friction between us.
“I told you everything, and you left me,” I moan, rolling my hips on his hard-on.
“I didn’t leave you. I fucking paid the price for you. And now, I’ve come to collect what I’ve earned.” His words are like a riddle. His eyes get the sinister look again.
I wait for him to explain, expecting him to give me an answer, or a fucking apology, but he gives me nothing except word games.
Glaring at him I stand up and walk behind him to untie his hands. After loosening the knot, I grab my dress and open the door to go out. Before slamming the door behind me, I look at him over my shoulder and say, “I don’t understand why you’re here. I don’t know what you’re planning on, but you know what? I don’t give a fuck about your games. I’m done with the past, and you belong there… in my past.”
Chapter 14
Age 12
I’m in the middle of a meadow. There are flowers between the golden colored bushes. I’m alone, but I’m not afraid as I walk between the bushes. They’re soft, not scratching my skin.
Then I feel hands around my waist, but the feeling doesn’t scare me. Those hands are familiar.
I turn to face the owner of them with a smile on my face.
It’s Nick. He’s smiling down at me. We’re so close, our bodies sway together like we’re dancing.
He leans down, his lips touch mine.
I giggle and push away from him, running playfully. He runs to catch me. And he does catch me.
We fall to the ground. He’s on top of me, and his face is mere inches away from mine. He leans down again, getting closer. This time I don’t run as he kisses me. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him back.
Our bodies rub against each other through our clothes like they know what they’re doing even though I have no idea. And in the blink of an eye, we’re naked. I can feel his body on top of mine. My heart beats faster, my mouth gets dry. I feel hungry, thirsty, but it’s another level of hunger or thirst like I don’t need water or food. My body wants him, craves him. There’s an intense desire inside me that tries to crawl out, like an itch. I want to scratch it, but it’s so deep down I can’t reach it. I have relief only when Nick kisses me, so I kiss him more, deeper.
I feel his hand move down my body as he still kisses me. A voice breaks out of my throat, like a moan when he touches between my legs.
That’s when I wake up.
I wake up with my hand between my legs and my heart in my throat.
I quickly move my hand away from myself, but as soon as I do that, I want to move it back where it was. I feel the loss of it. There is that aching need to scratch the itch inside me, I want to rub where it throbs the most.
Hesitantly, I move my hand back to between my legs. I’m slightly wet. I touch the wetness and rub myself without knowing what to do. I feel silly as I do that, but after a few tries, I find a rhythm, a rhythm that causes a tickling sensation inside me. I keep rubbing, using all three fingers to circle myself. My breathing quickens, the tickling intensifies. My body tenses, my legs start to shake, and something breaks inside of me as I muffle my scream behind my palm.
I lay back down on the bed, trying to catch my breath. Finally, when everything slows down, I turn to look at the door, a fear of my mother seeing me grips my throat, making it hard for me to breathe. Getting out the bed I hurry to the bathroom and close the door behind me.
I feel strange. My body feels strange. Taking off my clothes, I examine myself in the mirror. I look pink and swollen between my legs, and it’s sensitive there when I touch again. There’s a strange excitement inside of me, the giddiness of new knowledge, the sparkling sensation of something private and mature.
The door opens when I touch the swollen folds. I’m stunned with shock, coming face to face with my mother. My mouth gapes open with panic and fear.
“What the hell are you doing here?” Mom barges in, her eyes are focused on my hand that is still between my legs.
“Mom!” I shriek, trying to grab my dress from the floor and put it on as quick as possible.
Mom grabbed my arm, shaking me with a furious look on her face. “I ask what the hell you were doing in here, naked, young lady,” she yelled at me. Her face is contorted with anger and disgust.
“Mom! You’re hurting me.” My voice shook.