Page 33 of Sage (Club Nymph 3)
He’s my childhood love, the only person I’ve ever loved, the only man who can still make my heart beat faster even after twenty years.
And he’s the son of a monster who took away my hope, my innocence, and my baby.
Is he back to finish what his father started? Does he want revenge for what he did in my name?
Chapter 26
Age 14
All I can feel is pain.
It’s not the pain of the gunshot, it’s so much more than that. I would prefer to be shot a thousand times than feeling this kind of ache.
Deep inside my heart, reaching every fiber of my being with its cruel claws.
Hot and burning.
Gnawing and suffocating.
It’s the pain of loss. The loss of hope, the loss of the innocent life that didn’t even have a chance to grow, and the loss of my childhood.
Tears drop silently on my cheek when the doctor comes in. I see the police outside my room when the door opens, but I don’t care what will happen to me anymore.
“Hi, Veronica. How are you feeling?” he asks with a slight accent I can’t figure out.
“I feel like death,” I say. My voice is hoarse.
He nods. “It’s normal. You’ve lost lots of blood, and it’s been just two days since you got out of a difficult operation. Give yourself time to rest.”
I stare at him. I can see the reserve behind his eyes. He’s professionally staying away from the situation of my baby, but I know I lost her.
“My baby?” I whisper and wait till he makes eye-contact with me.
“I’m sorry, we lost the baby,” he confirms the fear inside me. Hearing it from someone else makes it even harder if it’s possible. “I wish I could tell you that you’re so young, that you can try again later, and that it’s even the best both for you and the baby, but I can’t,” he adds. His voice looms like a dark cloud over the room.
I open and close my mouth to ask what he’s talking about, but no voice comes out.
“The bullet has caused irreversible damage to some of your organs. We had to take out your ovaries and uterus. I’m sorry, but you can never be pregnant again.”
Doctor’s voice blends with a soul-shattering scream that causes my ears to throb. I frown, looking at him with ringing in my ears, ache in my throat. It’s only when two nurses come to hold my arms I realize the soul-shattering scream belongs to me.
I’m thrashing, screaming, trying to get free of the pain that burns me inside and out, but nurses are keeping me still. I see the needle in her hands, and when she pushes it under my skin, the cold liquid moves into my veins, burning wherever it goes, bringing exhaustion so strong I feel my eyelids close.
p; As everything goes black, I see a little angel who smiles at me from a blindingly bright spot, and I whisper, “I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you.”
Chapter 27
He’s always there. Always watching. Every day, every night, wherever I go, whatever I do, whenever I move.