Page 24 of Entangled By Him
I walk around downstairs in the foyer, punching any guy that I see that’s a Moretti. My pulse is raging as the anger builds up inside of me. This is the second time that my house has been broken into.
I know it’s all because of Anna, but still, this is a slap to the face for who I am. I move my way around the house jumping in on fights. When it’s not needed, we don’t use the guns especially when we’re on residential property, my property.
I know that Jax does the same. Stray bullets can hit anywhere, even the innocent. I walk around group to group and help out any of my guys that I can. I need to get this done so that I can find Anna.
I’ve seen her several times out of the corner of my eye, she was walking with another guy I don’t recognize. And she was also by herself.
Every time I try to make my way to her, I get sucked back into a fight or I can hear the screams from one of my men. I can’t let that shit go, my guys are here to help me, so if I can help them I will.
I haven’t been able to make it over to her each of the times I’ve seen her. The fighting is just out of hand, it’s nonstop.
Once one guy is put down, another one eagerly jumps in and takes his place. Where the hell did Jax get all these men from?
Walking around, I still have my eyes peeled looking for trouble. I stop, the other guy stops at the same time. I’m staring at Jax, this is a fight I’ve been waiting for.
We both take off running at each other. I can see the anger and rage burning deep inside of him as it does me. I shoulder block him when he gets close enough, it throws him off balance.
He’s down on his knees. I come over and wrap my arms around his neck, putting him in a tight headlock. I’m not gonna kill him, but I would like for him to pass out. He’s gonna be staying with me and Anna for a little bit.
I decide what a perfect time to fuck with his head, “your sisters pussy is so tight. I think I’m just gonna keep her locked in my room naked and spread eagle.” I whisper in his ear as I start to swivel my hips. I’m a fucking bastard.
His comment shocks the hell out of me, I wasn’t expecting that. “Isn’t that what happened to your sister?” My arm tightens around his neck as I squeeze harder. Jax’s face starts to turn purple.
He reaches behind us and is able to latch onto one of my testicles. The fucker squeezes as I scream out and drop my hold from him. Maybe I’m fighting a fucking girl, cheap shot?
I’m down on my side praying to God that this pain will go away. I guess we deal with this since women have to go through childbirth. My hand keeps massaging my shrinking ball.
Jax comes over by me and puts his hands on his hip. “Where’s Anna?”
I spit out, “you play dirty fucker. I haven’t seen her, but she was with one of your guys earlier.”
I’m getting tired of this game. I’m actually physically and mentally exhausted. I just want everything to end.
Jax clears his throat, “we have torn this whole place apart. All of my guys are accounted for. Anna is nowhere in sight.”
This stops me in my tracks my hand instantly leaves my swollen balls. I stand up, concern is shown all over my face. I look at Jax and around at the different men that are watching us. I ignore Jax’s guys and mine.
I turn around quickly and jog towards my office. Somethings not right. I know that girl wouldn’t hide, especially when her brothers are here. I just hope that is not something more sinister.
I reach my office and quickly turn on my laptop. Jax runs in and stands next to me. We both ignore each other as we watch to see who Anna was with. Mason and Booker run in right behind Jax.
Everyone comes and stands behind the desk as the video starts to play. We watch it for several minutes and I freeze it on a shot of the guy so we can all get a good look.
“That’s Ray Sanchez. He’s not even supposed to be here. He was never informed about this job. He took off for a personal matter about three weeks ago.” Jax leans lower. I know he’s probably thinking the same thing as I am.
“He’s the fucking stalker,” I snap out.
Booker, Jax and Mason all look directly at me. “Dammit, you might be right.” Jax states as he walks over to Mason.
I can hear them start to talk about Ray, if it’s possible. What are the chances? What’s the personal time he needed?
Booker leans down to my laptop and starts messing with it. It looks like he’s printing off a picture. He gets on the phone, quickly messages the guys that are in that area to get over to the floral delivery place. He’s trying to get verification from the drivers that delivered the packages to Anna.
Jax and Mason both take out their phones. Jax calls the same number nonstop, it sounds like it’s going directly to voicemail. Mason seems to be texting over and over again, nothing goes through.
Ray most likely ditched his phone already. It probably wasn’t even his regular one. We keep watching the video footage trying to get a good location on where they left.
In the backyard, we could see the outline of their bodies heading towards the woods. I think to myself that’s a long damn run.
“How far till they get to a road?” Jax asks me.
“It’s several miles. I definitely know that Anna can make that.” Jax looks as me as he starts to grind his teeth. I’m gonna have fun fucking with the little bastard.
Booker’s phone rings and we all snap our attention in his direction. We’ve been waiting to get an identification on the stalker.
“Okay, thank you.” Booker says as he hangs up the phone. He looks over to me and nods.
“Fuck,” I look at Jax and Mason. “Your fucking guy is the stalker. The same guy that’s been terrorizing your sister for over a year. How could you not know?”
Jax gets in my face, “do you know about all your guys? Do you know the one we were able to use to get in here?” He’s almost screaming. I can feel the spit hitting my face. “I didn’t fucking think so, it’s impossible to know everyone.”
Jax quickly backs off, Booker is ready to cut in. He wasn’t going to do it to save me, he wanted to save Jax.
“Okay, look. Both of our main top priorities is saving Anna, so we need to work together. All of the other shit is in the past until we figure this out.” It will come back to fruition right after this is over. I still have a huge score to settle with the Moretti’s.
Jax nods. Him and Mason go sit in the little sitting area. They’re joined by two of their brothers. Neither one of them talk to me. They all put their heads down and lean in talking just amongst themselves.
I continue to watch the video. I wish I would’ve put cameras out by that old deserted roadway back there. I would love to be able to figure out what direction they’re going in.
I whisper down to the screen where Booker can’t hear me, “I’m sorry baby. Things will be different, we’ll figure something out. Don’t give up, not yet we’re coming for you.