Page 27 of Entangled By Him
I stretch my neck and my back as I push open my sleepy eyes. It takes a minute for them to adjust, but when they do, I can’t figure out where I am.
The room is familiar. I look around a few more minutes. I try to move my feet so I can get off the bed, but that’s when I notice that I’m tied up spread eagle and naked.
Everything comes flowing back. Maxim and escaping with Ray. Ray’s the stalker. I hear a slight chuckle and snap my attention towards the front of the room.
Ray is right there staring at my core. He’s sitting on the edge of a chair, leaning forward still wearing what he had on last night. I gasp, trying to close my legs.
“Why are you doing this?” He snaps his attention up to me.
“Because I can. Every time you call me Ray, you’ll get punished for it, from now on only call me Marco.”
Ray or now Marco walks alongside the bed, he trails his fingers from my feet up to my mouth. He pushes them against my lips almost violently. “Suck.” He demands.
I do as he expects. I make sure to avoid eye contact with him. I can’t look at him without gagging right now. Me throwing up would probably not change my situation for the better.
He pulls his hand away. “Some rules for you to learn. You always be naked and pregnant. Pregnant women are so fucking hot.” Marco moves back to the chair and sits down. “Everything I say, goes.”
“Please don’t do this.” I beg.
“I’m already fucking hard again.” He leans down and licks the side of my face. I let the sobs break free.
“I’m going to fucking kill you before this is done.” His light mood has changed to dark.
Marco moves up on the bed and lays next to me. He’s propped up on his elbow looking into my eyes. His hand moves down to my mound and just rests there.
“We’re getting married in two weeks. I’m going to wait until then to fuck my virgin bride.” I don’t let any emotion show as he tells me this. I just remind myself over and over again I’ve got two weeks to get out of here.
Marco pushes a finger into me and starts pumping in and out. “I’ve got to please the elders. That’s the only way they agreed to my plan to take you. We have to be married first, then we can consummate it over and over.”
He slows down almost to a stop. The bindings are very uncomfortable I don’t have any leeway, so my hands pretty much stay above my head the whole time. Marco has laid his head on my shoulder.
It doesn’t take very long till Marco starts to snore. His face and mouth are by my nipple. His hand is on my mound and one finger is pressed inside of me. The son of a bitch fell sleep with his finger in me.
I admit to myself that I’m not just worried, I’m freaking terrified. I can’t let the fear destroy me. I’ll get out of this mess somehow. No matter what I have to do. I sure as shit won’t be here for two more weeks. I’m not gonna marry this Ray or Marco or whatever the fuck his name is. Mental and physical exhaustion pulls me into a restless sleep.
My eyes close on their own, even with me trying to fight it. I move my head away from Marco as I fall asleep.