Page 33 of Entangled By Him
The tears start to flow down my face. I've got the freaking water works going on now. It's happy tears which are the best, not sad or depressed tears.
I quickly check the phone battery and see that it's only at forty percent now. I have to be very careful. If this phone dies, I am totally fucked.
The noise I ended up hearing was just two guards walking by talking shit to each other. I search around the room again just in case, but there's no other good places for me to put this phone, that I can reach.
I turn on the GPS my brother Mason wanted me to turn on. It's going to suck a lot more of the battery, but all they need is just to pinpoint my location once and that's it.
I find the contact phone number and text it to the guys. They can start a trace. I also make sure that no apps are running in the background.
I look up towards the ceiling and silently say thanks that this wasn't password protected. After I stash the phone back in its place, I wait.
I know Maxim and my brothers won't take long, they don't trust this guy. That's obvious now, I don't even trust the fucker.
Sadness takes over my heart. I did actually trust Ray or Marco a lot more than anyone. Even though there is no more romantic feelings to us, there was a genuine friendship.
I feel like I was betrayed by my best friend, stabbed in the back.
I shake my head wanting to get those thoughts as far away from me as possible.
A smile lightens my face as I realize in the middle of the night my brothers and Maxim are coming for me.
I shoot up straight from the bed. Did he take my brothers? Is he finally going to do what he had planned all this time?
I laugh as I sit back down. They were all in very good spirits and talking. That would have been such a waste.
A smile is plastered to my face for pretty much the rest of the day. I manage to go back to sleep for a few more hours before I need get up.
Around noon, one of the guards barges in. These guards are nothing like Maxim's. Maxim's guards are respectable.
I know that if it wasn't for Marco giving an order, they would have all had their turn with me. I can tell that still might happen as every single one of them leers in my direction.
The guard looks at me and then gives me one of his disgusting smirks, “Marco wants you for dinner, wear something sexy.” He looks over my body right before he leaves and slams the door.
Great, I know I shouldn't be too upset, but I was honestly hoping to not even see him again before the guys came to save me.
A shiver engulfs me, and I tremble in disgust, so close. I just have to keep my wits about me, and I'll get through this dinner perfectly fine.
I still have seven hours to go, so I decide to take another nap. I want to be at my best tonight because I will be standing next to the guys and helping them fight.
It should be hard to sleep here, but I am so exhausted I don't even care. I'm out almost as soon as my head hits the pillow.
* * *
I wakewith a start and try to remember where I'm at. The horrible feeling of dread moves around my body as I remember my situation.
I have less than an hour to be ready for dinner. After my shower I noticed that the clothes I arrived in have been washed.
I silently say another thank you that there isn't it a skimpy set of lingerie that I have to wear. I slip on my cargo pants and my Henley sweatshirt.
I don't bother with makeup or perfume and I make my way downstairs.
The dining room has a romantic ambiance to it, which makes me cringe. Marco is leaning up against the table just watching me as I enter. He's dressed exquisite in a silk suit.
He looks me over from head to toe as his eyes squint, but thankfully doesn't say anything.
There are several boxes on the table, gift boxes.
He looks at me and then snaps, “sit.” Food is quickly brought out by servers, not in the same eloquent way as at Maxim's.
We eat in silence, well Marco eats in silence as he glares at me the whole time.
When we're done, Marco looks over at me and snaps, “strip.”
“What?” I quickly look around the room, there's only him and me in here. There ain't no fucking way I'm stripping.
He rubs his hands through his hair and points over to the boxes. “I'm not going to touch you, not yet. I want you to try on your wedding dress.”
“For what?” This might be the only word in my vocabulary today.
Marco sighs. I can tell he's actually annoyed right now. “You can do this on your own or I can call for a couple of my guys to come in and help.”
“Fine,” I spit. “Turn around and I'll let you know when I'm dressed.” I walk over and lift the lid off the biggest box as Marco turns around laughing.
I quickly get dressed in the lacy white gown. I do have to admit the material is so smooth and silky. It’s a beautiful dress.
The bottom goes all the way down to my feet. The front of the dress dips right between my boobs, showcasing my cleavage.
I clear my throat as I run my hands down the material. “I'm done.”
Marco turns around and just stares at me not saying anything for several minutes. I'm starting to get very uncomfortable.
He finally closes his eyes and growls, leaning his head back. The tight pants that he's wearing outline a growing bulge. I guess he likes the dress.
“Take it off,” he snaps and turns around. I can't believe he's being halfway decent right now. This makes me more nervous over when he's actually a creep.
This downright terrifies me, this isn’t the way Marco normally is.
We sit down in our spots after I'm done changing. A server quickly brings us glasses of whiskey.
I want more than anything just to gulp these suckers down, but I only sip. I need to be prepared for tonight.
“Tomorrow morning, you and I are getting married.” Marco grabs my hand and squeezes it letting me know he's serious.
I choke and spray out the whiskey that I just took a drink of everywhere. Remain cool, Anna, remain calm, please remain calm. I repeat over and over to myself.
Marco doesn't acknowledge me on my not replying. “The women in my family decided we can move this up. They would like to get back home, and I would like to be buried deep inside you.”
I start to feel a little light-headed and sick to my stomach, keep your head in the game, Anna.
I manage to give Marco a tight smile. “Will any of my family be able to come? Where exactly are we?”
Marco laughs. “You know your family can't fucking come. But nice try.” Marco moves his chair a little bit closer to me, positioning me to his side.
His hand goes under my sweatshirt as he starts to growl. “We’re in New York, you've been here before. I know you remember, you've got a very good memory.”
His fingers flick and twist my nipples. Harder than what was comfortable, making me cry out.
His hand engulfs my whole boob as he squeezes. “Relax tonight sweet Anna, we're going to have a very busy day tomorrow. And you will be on your best behavior when my family is here.”
With his free hand, he yanks my hair back, pressing his slimy lips to mine. I do everything I can not to gag.
I can't believe I actually dated this guy, even though much didn't happen, but we were pretty close. He ignores me as he walks out the door, snapping orders for the guards to take me back to my room.
I don't even struggle or try to move away from them. I put my head down a little bit and smile. I know that I don't have long and soon I'll be getting out of this shit hole.