Page 9 of Entangled By Him
I walk out of the basement and crack my knuckles. Somehow that dipshit Finn was able to get out of his bindings. I guess it pays well to be a doctor. That boy can fight, he took down my other two guards until Booker put a stop to it.
I need to get myself to calm down before I give Anna another call. Figure she should be at least a little bit happier to hear from me, but I can understand. I did take her brother and he is a bloodied mess, not my fault of course.
Anna wouldn’t even think twice about it. She would do anything to save the lives of her family and sacrifice herself. This was the only way that it would work, it would be impossible to snag her with all the men around plus her being shielded in that fortress.
I walk back down to the basement and notice that Finn is bounded back in the chair. At least now he has a gag in his mouth so nothing can slip by when I do make the call.
Call me sick or depraved but I’m actually looking forward to having Anna sacrifice herself where her brother can hear.
I pull out Finn’s phone and she answers right away. “Maxim,” she snaps.
I laugh, “come on baby, you had to miss me at least a little bit.”
“What’s the plan Maxim. I don’t want to do the pleasantries with you, and I definitely don’t want to fake a nice conversation.”
I shouldn’t be surprised, “very well then. Around two a.m. I know that the guards switch shifts. That’s when you’ll be making your escape. I will send you the address of where we will meet. Once I have you back in my arms, I will let your brother go.”
“How do I know that you’ll let him go? That this isn’t just one of your manipulative ideas to get both of us?” Her voice is a lot softer this time.
She needs to understand that I’m a man of my word. “I’ve never lied to you before. I’ve always kept my promises, and I promise you this will be an even trade. You for your brother.”
“Okay fine, I’ll do this, but I want to talk to him first. I need to make sure that you didn’t hurt him anymore.” Her voice is still soft, like she’s quietly accepted defeat, and dammit if that doesn’t make my dick hard.
“I’ll let him talk to you, but he won’t be able to hear you.” I don’t give any other options. This family is really good at what they do, they probably have some secret code word that they could get across from each other.
Anna doesn’t say anything she’s probably just waiting for her brother to start talking. Booker goes and stands behind him as two of my other guards flank him on both sides. Booker removes the gag from his mouth.
Finn clears his throat before he screams, “FUCK. Don’t you do anything they’re asking you to. I mean it Anna. You can’t trust this man.”
I make a swiping motion with my hand, that’s enough. Anna has too big of a heart to let him change her mind, but I don’t want to listen to him keep talking shit and upsetting my girl more.
I watch as Booker refastens the gag to his mouth. Finn is bright red, and his fingers are gripping the edge of the chair, making his knuckles white. It almost looks comedic.
Anna’s breathing has gotten deeper. I can’t tell if she’s crying or getting more upset.
“I will send you a text message when we get off the phone where I want you to meet. Leave at two a.m. and you should be there within the hour.” I don’t want to waste any more time on this.
“Yes master,” she spits out as the phone call ends. This should be really interesting. I haven’t had that many pissed women that have stayed with me. Shit, I never had a woman that stayed with me. Anna just has this draw that’s pulling me towards her.
I quickly send the address of another one of the warehouse districts that I own. This one’s just as desolate as the other one, but they’re perfect for doing things like this.
I can hear Finn shuffling and moving back and forth in his chair. The bastard is still trying to get out. He should be smart and save his energy until all of us are out of the room, dumb ass.
I walk over closer to him, “you shouldn’t be so upset. Pretty soon you will be home.” The chair starts banging more. I know he would just love a few minutes with me. But he doesn’t realize I’ve trained harder and longer than he has. The doctor is no match for me.
The guards chuckle watching Finn keep bouncing himself around. Booker just stands there with his same old stoic expression. No emotion, no feelings will lead to no fuck ups.
I nod for Booker to join me outside. The new guards will stay here with Finn until he calms down. One will be placed outside the door in case he does happen to find a way out. I’ll also have two upstairs if he manages to get through the guard by the door.
Booker and I start to walk upstairs, “make sure everything’s in place. I want to get to the site about an hour early. I don’t believe she’ll give her brothers the information but just to be on the safe side. I want no surprises.”
“Good idea,” Booker says as we continue walking.
“I want ten guards with us. But have another twenty stationed around and hidden. Get Dan and Felix to be on the roof somewhere. Those two are our best sharpshooters.” We’re almost back to my office. “Most importantly, make sure everyone understands that absolutely nothing is supposed to happen to Anna. Whoever hurts her will be killed.”
Booker nods as I go into my office and he walks in the other direction. We got a lot to set up for tonight.
At last, Anna will be back in my arms again.