Page 14 of The Woodland Packs
“I’m Jay. This is my bedroom. Do you need anything? Food? A beer? You must be feeling pretty strange at the moment.”
His voice was calm, but strong. My whole body instantly relaxed. Maybe this one would give me a straight answer.
“Why am I here, Jay? And what keeps happening to me? At the hospital I fainted, and I think I fainted again just now.”
Jay smiled and took a step back. “Come on out. I promise, no one here will ever hurt you.”
I took a few steps towards the bedroom door, though my logical mind screamed at me to run.
Run hard, run fast, and don’t look back.
But something deeper, more innate and instinctual wanted to trust this beautiful man before me.
So, despite my misgivings and the screaming of the modern woman in my head, I crept forward, until I was standing in the doorway once again.
There were two other men in the room, and I recognised both of them.
Dexter, the big brute from the hospital. He was half-naked as well, and my gaze did an instant inspection of his massive chest and abs.
I almost groaned aloud.
Why does he have to be so damn attractive?
I looked away from the guys in front of me, heat coursing up my face, mostly due to embarrassment. I’d been perving on them in the most unprofessional way.
Dexter was larger than a professional footballer, and so much more cut. There wasn’t a scrap of fat on him.
“Don’t you gentlemen own shirts?”
“Oh, sorry.” Dexter said. “We forget you humans care about that stuff.”
My head came up at that one. “Humans? What do you mean?” I narrowed my eyes at him. “What are you guys, if not human?”
I glanced from one to the other, then back to Jay. Dexter picked up a tank from the floor and pulled it on, then threw Jay one too.
Jay pulled on th
e top and came forward, holding out his hand with a grin. “Nice to meet you officially, Claire.”
I looked at his hand suspiciously. If my foggy memory was correct, shaking the last two guys’ hands was what instigated the fainting.
Which made no logical sense. So, what was I afraid of?
“Okay.” I reached out and put my palm to his.
Pulses of pleasure coursed up my arm and my knees went weak.
Oh, no. Not again.
Jay surged forward and caught me before I hit the ground. But I didn’t pass out this time. Instead I was caught in his eyes.
Blue pools of magic and wonder.
I wanted to kiss him. I could feel it in my very bones.
My gaze dropped to his lips. His mouth was beautiful and so close to me.
And as he dropped his head and stole my breath, I floated up to the ceiling and watched myself kiss him back.