Page 38 of The Woodland Packs
Let him find out for himself.
I left the house whistling, the sun shining on my face. I closed my eyes and just breathed in the fresh air.
Life was sweet, and with our mate in our lives, it would only get sweeter.
Chapter 8.
What the hell was I going to do for the hours between now and dinner?
I glanced at the clock on the wall and relief swept through my body.
Okay… so that wasn’t too bad. It was only three hours. Maybe Claire would sleep the whole time? And then what? I’d have to wait until tomorrow to hold her, kiss her? Love her the way Dexter and Taylor already had.
I tore at my hair on either side of my head, pulling hard to feel the pain I needed to puncture the tension inside my body.
Why did the others seem so relaxed and carefree, while I wanted to pick up the fridge and throw it through the kitchen window?
My arms shook with the strain. And I couldn’t even explain what it was, or why it was there.
I let loose a growl, my throat vibrating with the tension.
May as well get busy.
I put dinner
on, cleaned the house and worked out in our home gym, pushing way past my normal barriers and lifting weights I’d never even contemplated before.
By the time the Dex and Taylor came home, I was covered in sweat and the whole house smelled like lamb.
“Whoa, you went all out for Claire, huh?” Dexter said as he walked in the door, a big smile on his stupid face.
I didn’t know how to deal with all that happy energy. “I need a shower. You guys dish up and I’ll go check on her.”
“Oh, she didn’t wake up while we were gone?”
I shook my head and trotted up the stairs, struggling to even look at my pack mates while they grinned like hyenas.
Obviously, mating with Claire had made them feel great. Sex would do that, I supposed. But this was different somehow. They seemed… really happy.
I trudged up the stairs and walked past Dexter’s room.
The stench of sex was still there and I couldn’t help but groan with frustration and longing as I walked toward Taylor’s room.
This one would be even worse, I was sure. Fresher.
I knocked gently. “Claire?”
I sighed, yeah, I was going in. I cracked the door open a little and stuck my head in, the scent of sex pungent and hot as flames.
I sucked in a breath and tried to speak while not breathing. “Dinner’s ready whenever you are.”
“Oh… great. Thanks. I won’t be long.”
I began to pull away. “Take your time. I’m gonna have a shower. Meet you downstairs, okay?”