Page 40 of The Woodland Packs
“No! I actually…. Um… could I join you, do you think?”
Could she join me? Hell, yes! “Of course, you can, but, ah…” How did I tell her that unless she wanted to get fucked again, she better stay away from me?
I didn’t really get a chance to tell her anything of the sort.
She walked through the cloud of heat and moved towards me, joining me in the huge shower.
When had she gotten undressed? And why?
She stood facing me and leaned back beneath the spray, wetting her hair and tipping her head back.
She lifted her arms to run her hands through her hair, her perfect breasts jutting up at me, the pink nipples tight and begging to be kissed.
I had about two seconds before I lost control, so I’d better get consent before my wolf took over.
“Ah, Claire… I don’t know how to say this nicely, so I’m just gonna say it. I’m dying to mate with you and I’m afraid that if you don’t leave now, I’m not going to have any chance of controlling myself with you.”
Normally, this would be the furthest thing from the truth. I’d stopped myself at every level of sex with a woman, even after she’d come on me and I was balls deep inside of her. She’d asked me to stop, and I had.
That level of control would not be there with Claire, and certainly not today, when I could sense my pack mates on her and her heat was causing a chemical reaction inside me.
“I don’t want you to… fight that. I want you, too.”
That was all she had to say and I was charging forward, picking her up and pushing her against the cool tiles.
“Oh my God. I need you Jay.”
She bit into my shoulder and wrapped her legs around my waist.
I growled, deep in my chest.
She needed me? Thank the gods for that!
I grabbed her ass and lined her pussy up with my cock, I had no hope of going slow today.
“Are you ready?” I managed to ask her, and she nodded quickly, clinging to my shoulders.
I tilted her pelvis with my hands and thrust up into her in one long, slow movement.
“Oh my,” she groaned out as her pussy swallowed me up and gripped me hard.
She was so wet, so aroused, so tight.
I had to squeeze my eyes shut and think of anything else but Claire, in order to gain some control.
I was going to blow right here if I didn’t.
What could I focus on? The cold floor beneath my feet… the tiles in the bathroom…
“Jay…” she whispered, and I was lost.
Nope. There was going to be no finesse today. No slow build.
This was going to be a hard, fast race to completion and possession.