Page 42 of The Woodland Packs
Perhaps that was their plan? To make me so weak with sexual satisfaction, I’d never be able to leave.
I filed the idea away to think about later, because at the moment, my body was telling me it was worth it.
To throw away my career at the moment seemed like a no-brainer. Why wouldn’t I throw away twelve years of schooling that had led me into hundred-hour work weeks and no sleep?
“Yeah, of course,” Jay responded, wrapping the towel around his lean waist and looking at me expectantly.
Seriously, if I’d had a camera in my hand, I’d be click-clicking. Jay’s eyes were dark and intense, his hair was wet and falling perfectly over his face.
And his body… oh my God. “How come you all have perfect bodies? Is that a wolf thing, or something?”
Jay laughed and ran a hand through his hair, the movement making his abs ripple and his shoulder muscles flex. “Ah, yeah, kinda. We have extremely fast metabolisms, and we run a lot, of course. Not to mention the fact we’re all tradies of some sort. Plumbers, electricians and builders. We can pretty much do everything.”
I stared at him and couldn’t believe my eyes. Jay was the smallest of the three men, by far, and yet the strength behind his build was impressive.
After all, he’d just given me the hottest shower sex of my life, holding me up against the wall with ease.
No guy had ever been able to hold my weight for a few seconds, let alone a session like that.
“Well, you’re distracting me.” I waved my hands at him. “I’ll be down in a few minutes.”
“Okay. I’ll give you some time alone.” Jay left with a soft smile on his face and I could finally breathe and think.
There was something pretty magical about these men, and it wasn’t just the fact that they could turn into wolves. It was how I felt when I was around them.
Hornier than I’d ever been in my life, that was for damn sure.
Each time I went to bed with one of them today, I’d feel completely satisfied for the minutes afterwards, and then the ravenous hunger was back.
I searched my feelings and ran a hand between my thighs.
“Oh, thank God.”
The need had subsided—finally.
It had grown all day, and with each sexual encounter had gotten stronger, to the point that I really had no idea how to satisfy the hunger in my body.
But now, it had settled. Calmed. I may actually be able to think now.
But why? Because I’d finally had sex with all three of them?
Was it possible that the strange mating connection thing they talked about might actually be true? Because I knew one thing, I wanted all of them. More than I’d ever wanted any one man before, I wanted all three of them.
They were so different, so individually beautiful. And sexy… damn, were they sexy!
I’d convinced myself after my last failed relationship that the traditional path was NOT for me. There would be no doting husband, or multitude of babies for me. I’d have my work… my patients… my…
“Holy shit!”
I turned the water off and began scrubbing myself with a nearby towel.
I hadn’t even thought about contraception throughout the day. How crazy was that?
What sort of woman let three men come inside of her without a second thought?
A nymphomaniac for one, and a slut for another.