Page 65 of The Woodland Packs
Taylor put me down gently and I flexed my fingers inside my cast. I had to be a little careful of the arm, but everything else was working just fine.
“Looks good, doesn’t it?” Dexter asked as he walked up behind me, his massive chest vibrating with his words.
I leaned back against him, loving the feel of him. His strength, his size, his warmth.
“I have no idea how I’m going to explain you guys to my family or my friends.”
Dexter chuckled and wrapped his arms around my waist. “Tell them Taylor’s your boyfriend and we’re his cousins, friends, whatever.”
I twisted around in Dexter’s arms and looked up into his heated gaze.
“Why Taylor?”
“Yeah, why me?” Taylor asked, as he stepped up to the bed.
“Because he’s the most socially acceptable. I’m too big, Jay’s too nice. Go with Taylor.”
I laughed and lifted my head up for a kiss. “We’ll work it out.”
And we would, I knew we would. I was home with my men, and I certainly wasn’t worrying about semantics now.
Dexter ducked his head and kissed me, his lips tasting of need and pure male.
Salty and sweet and so delicious I bit into his bottom lip with my teeth.
I tugged at his shirt, wanting to feel his skin, but struggling with one hand.
“Can you strip? I can’t with this stupid arm.”
There was a deep chuckle that sounded from all three men simultaneously and within a few moments, I had all of them naked before me.
Three men, three hearts, three cocks.
And they were all mine.
Happiness pulsed through me as I pushed at my clothes and Jay stepped forward to help me, getting me out of my dress and underwear like a pro.
And then they were on me, kissing me, touching me, lighting my body on fire.
All three of them.
Dexter lay me down on the bed and knelt on the floor between my legs, while the other two lay beside me.
He grinned at me with that devilish smile, kissed my thighs and stroked my belly with his hands.
Jay, my sweet one, licked my breasts, sucking at the sensitive tips and making my nipples ache.
I moaned and gasped and searched for Taylor, who met my lips with his, stifling my groans and making me drink kisses from his mouth.
Dexter lifted my legs so that my feet rested on his shoulders, opened me right up, and ate my pussy. Licking my core’s juices and suckling my clit until I was screaming.
He didn’t stop, pushing me higher and higher while Jay’s teeth tugged at my nipples. My pussy exploded in an orgasm so sweet it brought tears to my eyes.
I shuddered and shook, my belly convulsing with the pleasure they’d brought me.