Page 27 of Surprise Best Man
“Yeah,” he said. “Break the sexual tension. We take care of what’s been on our minds, then we get back to the more important stuff. Like our friends upstairs.”
Our friends upstairs. That brought up another matter—one of privacy.
“We should probably go someplace else then, right?”
He shook his head.
“We try to sneak out, and it’ll draw more attention than…” He trailed off.
“Than what?”
He nodded his head toward the house.
“No one’s coming into the bottom floor. We could, you know.”
My eyes went wide. “The stairs lead right into the bedroom! What if someone came down?”
“Sure. But not the bathroom.”
He had a damn good point.
I didn’t hesitate for a second. “Let’s do it.”
I threw back the rest of my wine, part of me certain that I was making a really, really stupid decision.
Fuck it. What’s a stupid decision every now and then?
Sean took me by the hand, my body lighting up at his touch. Seconds later we were through the large guest bedroom that made up most of the floor, and then were in the bathroom.
Sean shut the door, and I had enough time to notice that the extremely well-appointed bathroom was probably about half the size of my entire apartment before he was all over me.
The moment his lips hit mine, the second we were finally attending to the other night’s unfinished business, I about lost my mind.
I was right back in college, memories of those lips on mine, that taste, his touch, rushing back into my thoughts. It was like no time had passed at all, like we’d slept together that first night and done it again only a little later—no fumbling, no awkwardness.
Me and him.
“Here,” he said, taking his lips from mine and effortlessly scooping me up by my ass.
“Where’s here?”
He answered the question by setting me down on the long sweep of the sink, his hands on the front of my jeans as he went in for another kiss.
Worked for me. As much as I would’ve preferred a bed, something about fucking in the bathroom, right on the counter, hoping no one would find us was…hotter than I was prepared for. I was wet from the moment he put his lips on mine—hell, from the moment he and I were alone together—but the way he held me, the way he prepared to take me…it was something else.
We kissed more and more, Sean’s hands moving over my blouse, undoing the buttons one by one. Once my shirt was opened, he slipped his hands under the fabric, settling his touch right onto my hips right above my waistband.
God, there was nothing like the feeling of Sean fucking Maddox’s hands on my body. I knew I should’ve hated him. I knew that the smart, mature-woman thing to do would’ve been to put a stop to it and take his ass to task right then and there for what he’d done to me all those years ago.
But the more he touched me, the more he kissed me, the more all those feelings faded into some kind of hazy dream.
Sean’s lips moved from my mouth to along my jaw and then down my neck, goosebumps breaking out all over my body at the sensation of his lips on these oh-so-sensitive areas. Then I felt one hand move from my side, followed by the sound of a zipper being undone.
“Shit,” I thought. “Might want to actually help this process along.”
I placed my hands on Sean’s, saying without words that I’d be the one to get that cock of his out in the open.
Then I felt his smile through his kiss.
“Was worried you were going to make me do all the work,” he said.
“I can be helpful when I want to,” I said back teasingly.
He went right back to kissing me, along with undoing the buttons and zipper of my pants. We had each other open at about the same time, and as I reached in and grabbed onto Sean’s thick, throbbing cock, I made sure to open my eyes a little to get a good look at it.
Gawd. I’d almost forgotten how fucking glorious his dick was. The Club. Back on campus his cock had a reputation almost as big as the man it was attached to. And even through the nervousness of my first time with him, I remember being very pleased, and more than a little intimidated, to learn that the rumors were most certainly true.
But now I had a little more of an idea what to do with a cock like his. I began stroking it slowly, Sean letting out a sexy little growl as I played with his cock, solid as steel in my hand. And as I did, Sean hooked his thumbs into the waistband of my pants and panties and pulled them down, down to my ankles. Once they were there, I kicked them off, opened my legs, and wrapped them around him, pulling him close.