Page 39 of Surprise Best Man
I felt a tingle down below at the idea of that hot-as-fuck mouth on my nipples, and I had to give myself a pinch to focus.
“Seriously, though. We did it again.”
”We did it again,” he repeated. “And we could do it again…then again…”
Another little slap. “I love how I say ‘seriously,’ and your first reaction is to be as unserious as possible.”
“Hey. If you don’t want me to tease, you don’t smile like that when I do.”
“And then the charm to smooth it all over.” I wagged my finger at him. “I’m onto you, Mr. Maddox.”
He raised his palms, as if you say “all right, you got me.”
“But seriously. And seriously-seriously this time, we did the thing we agreed not to do.”
“Right. You’ve got a point.”
“So. What do we do about all this?”
“I guess the question would be what do you want to do? Because I know sure as shit what I want.”
“And that is?”
“The woman I’ve got my arm wrapped around.”
“Should’ve known you were going to go there.”
Of course, at that moment it occurred to me that I still wasn’t over it. The college thing.
Or was I? God, with everything that had been going on between us, I didn’t even know what to think anymore. I’d hate him, then he’d make me like him, then I’d remember how much I hated him, then I’d like him again, and then we’d be screwing, and then I’d hate him all over again.
And then I’d come right back around to liking him.
But what was I supposed to do? This thing between us felt precarious as hell. I could bring up my issue with what he’d done, tell him how badly I’d been hurt. Not to mention the whole V-card thing. But that would only make matters weirder at best, dramatic at worst. And with the weddings coming up, the least thing I wanted to do was dredge up some personal crap from the past and make that the star of the freaking show.
Sean looked thoughtful, his eyes narrowed in focus. It was kind of hot, actually. “You know what I’m thinking?”
“What’s that?” I was genuinely curious what the man had on his mind.
“I’m thinking we keep this a secret.”
“Well, sure. That pretty much goes without saying, doesn’t it?”
“But…we, you know…keep it up.”
My eyebrows nearly shot up off my head. ”You mean keep, um, screwing?”
“That’s part of it. And a really, really good part of it, don’t get me wrong. But I really like hanging out with you, Shania. It’s been great that we’ve finally been able to reconnect after all this time, put all the awkward ignoring each other shit behind us.”
”Yeah. Can’t really disagree with you on that one.”
“And we’ve got the wedding coming up. So I’m thinking having a nice, ah, stress-relief option sounds pretty damn good.”
Stress relief. I kinda wanted to give him a sharp jab with my elbow for that. But he was kind of right. Like today—if I’d lost my job and had been by myself, I’d have been a hot mess. Sean being there, however, really took the edge off. Not only the sex, though that was nice as hell. The nachos-and-a-view part was fucking awesome, no other way to put it. Sean had worked magic today.
“So,” I said. “What’s your suggestion here?” I had a good idea what it was, but I still wanted to hear it in his own words.
“That we…keep this thing going,” he said.
There it was.
“And what exactly is this ‘thing’?” I asked.
“We’re having fun, right?” he asked.
“Sure,” I said.
“And we’ve both got a lot on our plates.”
“Sure,” I repeated.
“What we’ve got going on right now, it’s simple and fun, and I think if we tried to figure out what it was or put a label on it or anything like that, we’d turn it into one more complicated situation to deal with. So, I’m thinking we…”
“Keep things casual.” I said the thing I imagined he was getting at.
“Yeah. I like that. Casual.”
“And secret, I’m assuming.”
“Yeah. Not because we’re doing anything wrong, but because our friends all have enough to worry about right now without adding this dynamic into the equation.”
“That’s one way to put being no-strings-attached fuckbuddies.”
He laughed. “I guess that’s another.”
Then he rolled over onto his side and regarded me with an expression slightly more serious than the one he’d been wearing.
“But if you’re not cool with it…”
Why did these kinds of situations always require people to be ‘cool?’ What the hell did that even mean? Turn off your feelings and everything else so you could have a warm body next to you?
I pushed all that out of my head. It wasn’t like he was pressuring me into anything. I could tell him right then and there that I wanted to put a stop to this before it got any more serious.