Page 9 of Surprise Best Man
Shania wiggles her ass toward me, inviting me to give her what we both want. And I oh-so-happily do. Her lips are wet and glistening, and I position my head between them. A soft moan sounds from her lips as I get ready.
Then, with a smooth motion, I slide into her, Shania’s velvety walls gripping me, pulling me in, like I so clearly remember them doing all those years ago, in that shitty little room at that party house when the most lasting lovemaking memory I’d ever have was burned into my brain.
I have my hands on her ripe hips, holding Shania in place as I drive into her over and over again, her round ass bouncing on my cock, her moans turning into screams that would most certainly, in real life, would have attracted the attention of her combover-sporting boss. But it was pretend time, and she could be as loud as I wanted her to be.
And she would be. I feel the orgasm rising in my cock, her pussy getting wetter and wetter but tighter and tighter, and finally I can’t take it any longer. With a final push and a hard grunt, I cum like I’ve never cum in my life. My cock pulses, unloading into her tight pussy as she comes on my cock, her walls gripping me hard.
I pumped at my cock in the shower, ropes of pearl-white cum launching out all over my hand, lingering for a moment or two before being washed away by one of the many shower jets. A small smile formed on my face, the orgasm that good.
But it faded when I remembered how things had gone down in the real world—less awesome sex, more embarrassment. And as I washed away the cum and oil and all the stress of the flight, I had the distinct feeling that Shania was going to be back in my life, in a big, big way.
Chapter Four
The next day I was back at work, Roman tunic and all. It seemed like each time I took the last look at myself in the mirror in that ridiculous getup it managed to seem even more goofy. I mean, I kinda got the whole “Roman” thing—marble looked gold and sleek, and it fit with the whole decadent, treat-yourself vibe that spas had.
But man, I felt like a waitress at some cornball Vegas cocktail lounge whenever I put that thing on.
Only a few more months. I was in the breakroom, giving myself one last look over before getting ready to start with that day’s clients. Then we can wear…I don’t know. All white works, but maybe some actual pants. Yeah—I like pants. Pants are good.
I didn’t have a chance to look away from the mirror before Jules, our newest front desk girl, popped her head into the room and spoke.
“Hey, Shania,” she said. “Boss wants you.”
“Of course he does.”
“And, like, now,” she said, her tone way firmer than a newbie like her had any right to sport. “He’s waiting.”
I glanced back at Jules and shot her a hard look, one that said “easy, kiddo.”
“Tell him to keep his pants on.”
She rolled her eyes and left. After taking one final, for real this time, glance in the mirror, I headed out.
To my surprise, however, Jules was right there waiting for me. She was a cute girl, tiny and skinny with big blue eyes and a small, full doll-like mouth. And she was very, very interested in making her way up the ladder at Circus Maximus.
“Hey,” she said, not even asking before forming up at my side and walking with me down the hallway. “Any chance you could talk to Mr. Stump about what, you know, we’ve been talking about? About me taking on some clients?”
“You mean what you’ve been pestering me about?”
Yeah, I was being short with her. But damn, the girl wouldn’t let up. And it’s not like I had any say in the matter. When I was running my own place, sure, but as of that moment I was one massage specialist among many.
“It’s called being persistent. And in my business management class, my professor said it’s necessary to put your foot down and make what you want known. Otherwise you get lost in the mix.”
She had confidence—I had to give her that.
“Maybe, maybe not. But you might want to take that up with someone who actually has power around here.”
“But you have power!” she insisted, still stuck to my side. “You’re one of the most senior employees.”
She was right. Not like my years at this place had done anything for my career advancement or salary.
“Still. If you said something to Mr. Stump, you might be able to at least get him thinking about it.”
“Believe me,” I said as we approached his office, “if you hounding him about it since you started working here hasn’t put the idea in his head, I don’t know what will.” I went on. “Besides. We’ve got all the staff we need in back. Only way you’d move up is with both experience and with an opening. Sorry to say that the best you can do is be patient and wait for your opportunity.”