Page 92 of Incandescent
“It’s an admirable plan, but one I imagine is hard to maintain,” Judy said in a sympathetic voice.
“It is.” He winced. “But I was willing to sacrifice myself for it, which isn’t always healthy.”
Judy nodded. “How did you overcome this?”
“I’m still a work in progress. But I did meet someone new…” he said, and my pulse thundered in my veins. “Not new…old…I mean… Damn, I’m not very good at this.”
“It’s okay. Take your time.” Judy smiled. “What are you trying to say?”
“What I’m trying to say is…there’s this guy I want to date.”
“Not this again,” John said, and there were nervous titters from other members. I could barely fucking breathe as I studied Delaney, but he didn’t meet my eyes.
“Rude,” Harmony said, throwing John a look.
“Everyone calm down,” Judy said in a warning tone before prompting Delaney to continue.
“I thought I had to hold everything together, or our world would spin out of control again.” He blew out a breath. “Turns out no matter how much you try, things still happen that you didn’t anticipate.”
“Are you referring to the guy you want to date?” Harmony arched an eyebrow.
“Yeah. I consider him my best friend…and he’s come to mean the world to me. Which is pretty damned scary because I don’t think my heart can handle any more breaks. It’s pretty banged up already.” The ache in my chest only intensified as I listened to him. “But I’m terrified he won’t want me in the same way.”
“What makes you think he wouldn’t want you?” I asked suddenly, my throat tight.
The entire room was so quiet, you could hear the sound of traffic outside.
“All my rules and resistance were probably frustrating as I tried to hold it all together and keep the peace.” Delaney finally looked me square in the eye. “As soon as I tell him I’m in love with him, he might think I’m too much for him—that we’re too much for him. My kid adores him too.”
Holy fucking hell. I was openly panting now, just trying to manage my out-of-control breaths.
“What do you say to that?” Harmony asked me, obviously egging us on.
“I say that letting someone in again, despite the fear of losing them, is pretty brave.” I sat up straighter. “But I think that’s what love is all about. Giving them all of you, baring your soul, and asking them to accept you anyway. I’m pretty sure the guy you’re talking about is already in love with you too. Probably was already half in love with you over bourbon and Asian takeout.”
Delaney’s smile was dazzling as our eyes held across the room.
“I’m confused,” John said, his face screwed up.
“Are you dense?” Frank replied, and I held in a laugh. “Lane is saying he wants to date Marc. They’re friends, we all know that, and evidently, have developed feelings for each other.”
It was as if a light bulb went off over John’s head. “You must be the friend Marc was talking about when we discussed second chances.”
Judy cleared her throat and smiled. “It makes sense since you already share such a powerful bond. I’m very happy for you both.”
“On that note.” Delaney sprang from his seat. “Do you mind if we…?” He cut across the circle and held his hand out to me.
“I’m not sure my knees are working properly right now,” I said, clasping our fingers together, and he helped me out of my seat.
The room erupted in cheers as we walked out the door together.
My eyes stung as I looked back one final time and met Judy’s smile. Harmony gave me a thumbs-up, and Frank looked pretty emotional.
As soon as the door shut behind us, Delaney backed me against the wall, hemming me in with his arms. Thankfully, the lobby in the community center was empty, so we no longer had an audience.
“So what do you say, Marc?” He kissed my temple. “Will you date me?”
“I’ll have to think about it,” I teased, but his smile faltered, and he looked so serious. “Fuck, Lane. I was not expecting that…romantic gesture. Be still my beating heart.” Red lined his cheeks. Was this really happening? I leaned toward him. “Of course I want to be with you.”
I gathered his face in my hands and kissed him with all that I had, pouring into it all my longing and desperation, hoping it would tell him exactly what he meant to me.
When I drew back, a thread of nerves took hold. “What about Grant? Your in-laws?”
“Let’s just say they know how I feel about you. Grant is all in, and if my in-laws need a little more time to get used to the idea, then so be it.” His eyes softened. “I don’t want to be without you anymore.”
Our lips met again, our tongues tangling, our hands winding in each other’s hair as pure joy filled me. Delaney was digging into the tender places in my soul again, uncovering fertile soil that was finally ready to grow roots.