Page 2 of Sealed with a Kiss
“Liam?” I offer.
“Right. That boys like him are the option around these parts.” I snort a laugh. “That doesn’t mean I can’t take care of myself. I mean, how do you not? You got me hooked on these romance books. I don’t know how you read them and not have to handle your own lady business sometimes.”
A pretty blonde walking past gives us the side eye, making my blush grow. Sex is not something I grew up talking about. I’d gone to boarding school while Lexi lived in a group home. My mom never gave me any kind of sex talk. Ever.
“It’s hard,” I admit as she opens the door to our dorm room. Truthfully, it was the love in those books that made me ache more than anything.
“I thought it was coming today?” Lexi looks around for a delivery box.
“So did I.” We’d passed the mailboxes on the way in. If I had a delivery, there would have been a note on the box to pick it up at the front office, but there was nothing.
“Check the shipping,” Lexi says.
I drop my bag on the floor next to my desk before I bump my mouse to wake my computer. I’d asked my parents to send me another computer when I realized Lexi always went to the library to use one. I told Lexi I like having one that stayed in the room and one I kept in my bag. I knew she wouldn’t take the computer If I tried to give it to her. My plan worked, and besides, I enjoy her being in the room with me rather than being stuck in the library.
Lexi flops back onto her bed on the other side of the room. “When do you start that internship?” she asks, rolling to her side.
“Bunch of bullshit. You have to work for free? I don’t understand this.” She shakes her head.
“Yep,” I sigh.
It’s going to suck. At some point, I’m going to have to stand up to my parents. The control they have over the direction of my life only seems to tighten as I get older.
“Will you have to work with your pops?”
“I really hope not.” I cringe. I hope I get stuck in some room filing papers or something.
It’s because of him I got the internship to begin with at Finance & Legal BNC. It’s now one of the biggest and fastest growing companies in America. My father has been working there for a while now since the owner and CEO of BNC snatched him up from another company years back. I remember my father being a bit on the fence about taking the job because the owner was young, but the company was thriving. He’d taken the leap, and we had to move across the country for him to take the job. My father has always been good with numbers, and even though I am too, I hate them.
BNC started offering internships last year, and I’d wiggled my way out of it my freshman year. Now my father is relentless about it, so I didn’t have much of a choice. I applied, and I’m sure my father asked to make sure I got one of the three spots. I think the other two went to seniors.
I’m pretty sure the owner, Samuel Matthews, went to Kingston University and that’s why my father pushed me to go here. It’s also why Kingston got the internship programs.
“It says delivered,” I tell her when I pull it up.
“Well, it’s not here.” Lexi hops up from her bed and comes over to the computer to see for herself. “How messed up would it be if someone stole your vibrator?” She laughs.
“Wait.” My eyes drop to the delivery address, which isn't mine. I gasp. This isn’t happening “No!” I shake my head.
“That’s awkward,” Lexi supplies as I try and not die of embarrassment.