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I looked at my watch for possibly the thirtieth time in as many minutes, wrinkling my nose when I saw that it wasn’t seven forty-five yet. Normally, I would be safely snuggled in bed, but my old, unemployed schedule was finally changing.
And I was incredibly grateful for it. After an entire year of job searching, I was thrilled to have gainful employment -even if it wasn’t in what my degree was in. It figured, that after busting my butt to graduate early with top honors in both Web Design and Business Management, that I still couldn’t get hired anywhere.
I clenched my fingers around my cheap bagel. I had fought so hard, tooth and nail really, to even get interviews at first. It seemed no one wanted to hire a twenty-one-year-old fresh out of classes. Most people seemed to assume that I dropped out. And when my money started to run out, I couldn’t even nab a job as a fast food worker or waitress. It seemed that they thought I was going to leave them first chance I got -which to be fair, I totally would.
But none of that mattered anymore, because I had a job.
I chewed on my bagel for a few more minutes until it was finally an appropriate time to be early for work, and then I headed in.
While it wasn’t glamourous work, I was incredibly excited to be an assistant for one of the managers in the Golden Stars Media Empire. A colossal company, they were a sort of King of the digital world, signing on multiple content creators from the internet and also hosting events like e-sports and conventions and the like. Somewhere between nerdy and ruthlessly business-minded, GSME had come up fast and come up hard.
I smiled to myself as I entered the front doors of the lobby, instantly feeling dwarfed by its beauty. The ceilings were high and a sparkling white, somewhere bordering between new age minimalist and classic beauty. The design was meticulous and intense, much like the reputation of the company.
But that mostly had to do with the upper management. Apparently, several of them were known for being so dedicated to their jobs that nothing else mattered, and their owner was apparently the world’s most insistent perfectionists. I’d read horror stories online of how he wouldn’t go home for days, and how much he insisted on deadlines. He was in the trenches with his workers, unlike a lot of CEOs, but I got the impression some of them wished he wasn’t there.
I vaguely remembered multiple stories of him making his underlings cry, or snap under the pressure. I couldn’t help but be relieved that I wasn’t nearly important enough in the company to be working with someone on the board, because honestly, I didn’t need that kind of stress in my life. I had enough going on as it were.
I reached the front desk where a pretty young woman was sitting. I could tell she was tall even from her resting position, and she had a pleasant sort of roundness to her. Bright red hair sat in a bun a top her head and her gaze flicked to me before her face pulled into a friendly smile, round cheeks almost causing those blue eyes to close.
“Hello, may I help you?
“Yes. I’m Bev Viello. I’m here for my orientation.”
“Ah! Perfect. You’re early,” she exclaimed, reaching under her desk to pull out a drawer and rifle through it.
“Well, wanted to get a jumpstart on the day. Would hate to get things rolling on the wrong foot.”
“That’s a good attitude to have!” She sat upright and handed me a magnetic looking blank badge on a lanyard and a small stack of papers that were stapled together. “Just head to the elevators there on the right and head to the third floor. There will be someone waiting there to greet you. Welcome to GSME!”
“Oh, thanks.” I barely caught myself from saying ‘you too’, instead giving her a polite nod before scurrying off to the chrome lifts.
Well, as much as I could scurry without looking a mess. At about five-eight with more than enough curves to go around, I had used my twenty-two years on Earth to perfect a walk that minimized the bounce of my chest and the sway of my hips without losing me too much speed. It wasn’t the most natural thing in the world, but I did what I could to not draw attention to myself that I didn’t want.
Because, unfortunately, when some people saw overflowing cups and wide hips, they instantly assume things about my character. Things that couldn’t be farther from the truth.
It wasn’t that I wasn’t sex positive, I was really for the idea of men and women getting down in a mutually consented ho-down. It was just that with all my working and fighting to get through school, supporting myself with part time jobs and making sure I never fell from the dean’s list, filling out scholarship after scholarship so that I could afford my books and eat… well I never really had time for any extra curriculars.