Page 19 of Daddy
“Uh, yeah,” the young woman beside Charlie said, looking relieved that my assistant had taken over. “Like that.”
“How interesting,” I said politely. Really, I didn’t care much about that as I did her numbers. “Do you do speed draws?”
“Uh, that. And audience participation. I illustrate stories sometimes. I’ve repainted a couple of dolls. You know…stuff.”
“I see.” I looked to Charlie. “Alright, I’ll have our acquisition team take a look at the channel. You know you can come to me during office hours instead of sneaking business into a party.”
“Oh, I know honey,” he answered, wiggling his fingers at me. “But can I get absolutely wasted on fruity cocktails in your office at the same time?”
“Well, no.”
“Exactly. I’ll see you next week. Tootle-loo, darlings!”
He swept away, the young woman on his arm and I looked to Ms. Viello once again. “You get all of that down?”
She nodded, tucking her phone into her cleavage. I didn’t avert my eyes as it slid into her generous bust, disappearing from sight with a slight jiggle.
“Do you mind?” she asked, looking up at me with flushed cheeks.
“Not really. Should I?”
She crossed her arms, but it did nothing to make her impressive rack any smaller. “Isn’t that inappropriate?”
“You’re the one shoving a company-provided phone into your bra. You tell me.”
She made a snorting noise and it was the most real reaction I had ever heard from her. If I didn’t know better, I would say that she was relaxing around me. Maybe even flirting a little. “Please, like I could wear a bra in this get up.”
I tried not to let that thought go straight to my dick and I was completely unsuccessful. Sure, I knew the dress was tight and wardrobe had said something about it’s built-in support, but I hadn’t paid much attention to that once I started imagining my assistant in it. Just the thought that there was only a thin layer between her and my hand was maddening, and I did my best to dismiss it.
“Come on,” I said, striding across the floor. “Let’s make our rounds before helping ourselves to too many h’orderves.”
She nodded, falling in line beside me. I tried not to notice each little jiggle and wiggle of her body in those heels of her and failed miserably. This was going to be a long, but very, very fun night.
While I often attended the parties that I threw for my employees, I never really cut loose. While I enjoyed celebrating and having fun as the next guy, I preferred to do it in a circle of my friends rather than a group of people who worked for me. There was always the chance of something going very, very wrong and to me, it wasn’t worth the risk.
And yet, I found myself having a blast of a time. Almost all of it due to the curvy assistant I had shadowing me all night.
It seemed that all I had to do was get her after hours, that mask of hers needed to slip off at some point. While she still maintained professionalism and politeness, she was definitely ten times more snarky than she had ever been in the office.
The hours had slipped by like minutes, her eyes sparkling with mischief and her smiles growing more common as she grew used to me. I could tell that she was also impressing many of the people I spoke to. After all, a pretty woman always did wonders for negotiations.
Not that anything as important as negotiations happened at the party. But there were several interesting conversations and some introductions, as well as other things that Ms. Viello seemed to think prudent enough to jot down in her phone.
By the time people were starting to filter out, it was at least three am in the morning. I knew plenty of scene parties that lasted well into the next day, and sometimes multiple days, but I had never been interested in ever staying at any sort of shindig that lasted past four in the morning. Either my reputation had gotten out -just like everything else about me- or the entertainment department knew to wind things down before I reached my limit.
“Well… this was certainly something,” Ms. Viello said with a short little sigh.
“When you say it like that, it sounds like you didn’t enjoy our time together.” I teased, watching her reaction.
Only the side of her mouth quirked up in a smile. “Considering that I’m being paid time and a half for it, I guess it wasn’t a total loss.”
“Ah yes, monetary gain certainly dulls the pain from being in my company.”
“Have you ever considered that perhaps it’s my heels and this dress that make the night so trying, or do you assume everything is about you?”
“Well, most times things are about me,” I shot back. “But right now, I think the most interesting question is where this personality is during the daytime.”