Page 42 of Daddy
“I need you to sign this,” he said, placing it in my hands then giving me a pen.
“Wait, you need what?” I asked, looking at it. But my entire body went cold as I recognized exactly what it was. I had viewed a couple of them in my month of working with him, but I couldn’t for the life of me figure out why it was in my hands. “This is an NDA.”
“Uh-huh,” he said, stepping between my legs again and going to kiss me. But I pulled away, my mind trying to wrap around what was happening.
“This is a legal, binding document.”
“Yeah,” he said with a laugh. “You’ve looked at them before, why are you staring at it like it’s in French.”
“I speak French,” I shot back. “But what I don’t get is why you’re giving me an NDA. What, is your house some sort of Area 51?”
He chuckled like I was oh so hilarious, but I felt my temper quickly mounting. “Don’t be silly. It’s for us sleeping together.”
I breathed in through my nose then pushed that air out of my mouth. “Are you saying that you think you require a legal document that threatens me with monetary consequences for me not to tell anyone about our… whatever we’re doing?”
“Hey, it’s there to protect you too.”
No. I couldn’t do this. It was too weird.
I set the papers down and pushed Mr. Fitzgerald out from between my legs before hopping down to the ground.
“I need to go.” I may have only just recently lost my virginity, but I hadn’t been born yesterday. I knew that I was being insulted even if Fitz didn’t. The gall of him, to throw a contract towards me like I was some pawn that he could buy off. Like he could own my words and my story with his legalese and flock of lawyers.
“Wait, what’s wrong?” he tried to catch me, still laughing lightly like he thought I was joking, but I batted his hands away. That seemed to be when he got that it wasn’t a joke anymore and his tone turned serious. “Wait, Bev, what’s going on? What happened?”
“Don’t worry about it,” I snapped, heading straight out the door.
“Bev, you can’t go out there barefoot and practically naked!”
I reached his doorknob, grabbing my purse then throwing the entrance open, giving him only a single glance over my shoulder. “Watch me,” I spat and then I was out and walking.
It was still so early in the morning that not even the sun was out. I wasn’t worried about anyone spotting me in my walk of fury, just as I wasn’t really worried about being late to work -if I even went. If I could even stomach looking at his face so soon. But even with my anger warming me, I knew I needed to plan ahead at least a little bit.
I could call a cab or an uber later, my phone was safely tucked in the waistband of his underwear. Yeah, that was practical enough to soothe the matter of fact part of my mind. I would be responsible, I would make sure I got home safely, but for now, I just needed to walk and let my anger burn off.
I had known that it was stupid to sleep with my boss, that I was only going to get hurt. I guessed that I just hadn’t expected for it to happen so soon.
Oh well, lesson learned. Maybe I didn’t know a lot, but I did know that letting him try to bind me with that contract went against everything I stood for.
And if I didn’t stay standing for something, then I was going to fall for everything, and I had survived far too much to sink into that trap.
I couldn’t take my virginity back, but I could take back my trust, and it seemed like that was just what I was going to have to do.
“Jessica!” I bellowed, not even getting up from my desk. One of my secretaries quickly skittered in, looking more stressed than she had in weeks.
“You want to tell me why none of my reports are on my desk like they’re supposed to be?”
“Apologies,” she said quickly. “With Beverly having called out we’re struggling a bit with covering all of the bases she usually covers.”
“She’s only been here a month,” I snapped. “You survived when she wasn’t here; don’t be lazy.”
“Yes, sir. Of course, sir. We’ll get you those reports ASAP.”
I knew that I was being a piece of shit, but I was angry. I’d been having the best night I’d had in years and then somehow, all of it had ended up on its head.
Sleeping with Bev had been everything that I had wanted and more. Virgin though she may have been, it was like she had been made for me. Made for worship. Her skin had been so soft, and her womanhood had been perfectly warm and wet. Any tighter and I wouldn’t have been able to get in. She was everything that I had ever wanted and more.