Page 54 of Daddy
One thing I’d been told since my first foster family was that I had a temper. Normally I could keep it tramped down with logic and determination, but as more days passed, it burned hotter and hotter until I felt like I was a lit firecracker that was just waiting to explode.
I started messing up at my job on purpose. Dropping things. Forgetting things. Anything to make Fitz pay attention to me.
But he didn’t.
He wouldn’t even take the food I delivered to him, instead having me drop it at one of the secretaries’ desk. I had never thought that just a simple exile from his company could be so cruel, but every day it wore on me more and more until that hurt just turned to outright anger.
I gave him my virginity! I signed a stupid fucking contract for him! I called him…Daddy! Okay, I loved being his baby girl!
But didn’t all of that afford me at least a little bit of closure?
Sure, maybe I had been stupid enough to daydream that there could be something more between us, that my ill-advised tryst could have some longevity to it. That was on me. But what wasn’t on me was him locking me out in the cold and effecting my job. Hadn’t that been what the whole NDA business had been about? Making sure neither of us were negatively affected -at least professionally.
I couldn’t handle it anymore. I wasn’t a girl who let things just lie. I either conquered or defeated every problem I ever had and at the moment, Fitz was giving me a real problem.
Letting out an angered noise, I grabbed my laptop and logged into the software that let me connect to work. I pulled up Fitz’ social calendar, one I hadn’t needed to look at since he shut me out, and I saw that he was at a grand opening of a new theater. It wasn’t a big press event, but it was important enough that I knew he would be here.
Fine. He wanted to ignore me? Then I would force his hand. I wasn’t some lay to be dismissed and ignored. I was his coworker and assistant. He would dump me like a grown up or explain why he was being such an ass.
I threw on a simple tunic and leggings then headed out, my mind full of telling him off. There was so much I wanted to say, so much venom I wanted to roll off my tongue. But mostly, I just wanted to know why he had abandoned me just like everyone else.
There was that emotional baggage again. I thought that I had gotten over the friendships and guardians that I had lost, but apparently not. I had told myself that Fitz’ inevitable ending things with me wouldn’t hurt, but I had never thought us stopping sleeping together would end everything else. The fun workplace banter. Our sense of camaraderie. I had had known… well I never would have let him touch me in the first place.
I had enough money that I didn’t have to take public transport to him. Instead, I just called up a ride-sharing app and rode right up to the front of the theater. There wasn’t a red carpet for this event, so I didn’t have to worry about paparazzi or anything like that. All I had to do was march up and find him.
So that was what I did. It wasn’t hard, he was right in the lobby getting a drink. Security let me go up to him, obviously recognizing me as his assistant, and the next thing I knew I was in front of him.
“Bev,” he breathed, his surprise written all across his face.
“Fitz,” I said, my voice full of stone and steel. I wanted him to feel how much he didn’t mean to me. It was a gross, biting feeling that I wanted him to be stuck in like I had.
“You’re not supposed to be here.”
I crossed my arms and willed myself to affix him with the strongest glare I could. All the anger that I had been building up over the past few days flowed over me and my tongue turned into a weapon I was oh so happy to wield. “Yeah, because lately I’m not supposed to be anywhere around you, am I?”
His eyes flitted anywhere but me, but I didn’t care, pressing forward with a finger in the center of his chest. “It’s not-”
“It’s not what?” I snapped. “Not like you used me and dumped me without a thank you ma’am? Call me needy, but I thought that we were friends enough that you wouldn’t treat me like a damn leper after having your dick inside of me!”
He looked guilty at that. Good. He should. He hurt me. “Bev, I-”
“No!” I interrupted. “You don’t get to talk now. Not after you took away my ability to talk for over a week. You made me sign that contract to protect us, that’s what you said, but now you’re affecting my job, affecting my happiness, and I think I deserve a goodbye! So, you’re going to act like an adult, tell me why you ended things, and then we can try to pretend that everything has gone back to normal.”