Page 40 of Saving Della Ray
He kissed me, deep and hard, as I caged my legs around him, refusing to let go. Suddenly tears filled my eyes and I was overtaken by the torrent of emotions inside me … I whispered words that shouldn’t have left my lips, “Please don’t go to the race,” I sobbed, my face buried in his neck. “Please, I’m so terrified that you’ll be killed. Don’t go.”
I heard myself as if from a distance and at first, I didn’t give a damn, but then he stilled in my arms, and it all shattered. I refused to open my eyes, and when I felt him begin to pull away, I immediately let him go and turned away to curl into a ball of shame.
I heard him silently get off the bed, and the sounds of him beginning to pull his jeans on. I should have done the same, so I could quickly show him out of the house, but I couldn’t find the backbone to uncurl myself enough to meet his eyes.
He didn’t say a word as he left.
When I heard the front door shut, I wiped the tears off my face.
I sat up and looked around my room, which seemed even more than a mess than ever before. I was still dazed from all that had just happened. I looked down in wonder at my still soaking wet pussy. I looked around, but could find no trace of the condom. He must have taken it with him. I thought I heard a sound outside my window and I jumped out of bed. Making myself look as decent as possible, I stepped out of the room in search of Nichole and Jess.
She wasn’t in the garden, but in the kitchen with the door closed. Jess was playing in her sandpit in the garden. She was engrossed in building her castle she didn’t even notice my presence as I stood by the door. Nichole however shut the book that she had been reading, and rested a dark gaze on me.
Her question was quite simple. “What the fuck was that all about?”
Widening my eyes meaningfully, I looked from her to Jess, then back to her.
She stared at me as though I were out of my mind. “You think that is the worst thing she’s heard today? How the fuck could you do that here?”
I sighed deeply. “It wasn’t planned, I swear it.”
“What do you mean?” she asked, rising as she approached me. “What’s going on with you Della?”
“It is just today. I’m finished with him,” I said, and went past her to retrieve a bottle of water from the refrigerator. I drained it all in a heartbeat.
“You’re finished?” she asked, her voice dripping with disbelief. “Somehow, I don’t think so. You sounded like ten men were screwing the life out of you. I thought the whole house was going to collapse.”
There were no arguments there especially as I had to hold onto the edge of the counter since I still couldn’t stand properly.
“And I saw him,” she said. “Fuck. I was going to skin you alive for defiling our house with some lowlife, but goddamn it, girl.”
I turned to her, confused. “Are you scolding me or …”
She grinned suddenly. “I don’t know, but when my shock has settled, you’re going to tell me all about it.”
“I might,” I said.
She frowned. “But please don’t bring him to our home again,” she warned, genuine concern in her tone. “If he is part of an MC, it could be dangerous for us.”
“Mommy!” Jess screamed suddenly.
We both turned to see that Jess had finally noticed my presence. I looked at Jess with my eyebrows raised.
She just shrugged and gave me a no-idea-don’t-look-at-me expression.
“Hey, honey,” I called out to Jess and she came running towards me, her face beaming with joy. I scooped her sandy little body up into my arms. “Where have you two been all afternoon, hmmm?”
“We missed you,” she whispered in my ear.
“Well, so did I,” I said.
“Mommy, can we have dinner together tonight? All three of us.”
I pulled a little away so I could see her face. “Jess, you know I’m not your Mommy, right?”
She nodded sadly. “Yeah, but can we just pretend?”
She played with my hair and avoided my eyes. “Because all the other kids have mommies.”
For a second, I wanted to cry with sadness for her. Then I smiled, a big happy smile. “Okay, let’s do that. It’ll be fun.”
She perked up. “Really?”
I tickled her tummy. “Yes, really.”
“Yay,” she said throwing both her arms around my neck and kissing my face with big wet kisses.
I met Nichole’s gaze. I couldn’t be sure, but I thought I saw tears in her eyes.
Group trips to purchase firearms were the least strenuous duties I had as the Road Captain of the club.
Today we were riding in Snake’s Silverado. The mindlessness of being a passenger in a car rather than navigating a Harley was quite welcome, especially useful given the state I was in. I was completely unable to take Della off my mind.