Page 57 of Saving Della Ray
I clung to his neck as the water cascaded down on the both of us. I kissed him feverishly, my body quaking from the torrent of emotions that he’d stirred inside me. Being with him this way, just the two of us without the burdens and harshness of the real world beyond, was like a beautiful dream, but at the back of my mind, it seemed to be ticking into a nightmare. Still, I pushed the notion away and allowed his body to make mine sing.
“You feel so fucking good, Della. I can’t even believe how fucking good,” he grunted as he rammed his hips repeatedly into mine.
He was still deep inside of me when the doorbell rang with the delivery of our food. I didn’t even hear it as he pummeled me against the tiled wall, my hand splayed on the steam frosted glass. Surely, we hadn’t been fucking for forty minutes. He wanted to hold out till my energy was replenished but being naked with me in such a confined space had turned him wild.
“Stay,” he said and left the shower stall.
It seemed as if it was forever before he came back, but when he did, he found me rubbing my own pussy seductively. “Oh fuck,” he said, flinging away the towel around his hips.
When I came, it was as if I flew away and left my body. Throughout it all, he held me solidly in place, his hands underneath my thighs to ensure that I had a solid lock around me. Without that, we both knew that I would have melted to the floor like wax. He rinsed us both off then and I was deposited once again on the bed.
“I’ll be right back with the food,” he whispered into my ear.
But I registered nothing. I curled up into a ball, and went straight into one of the deepest and most peaceful slumbers of my entire life.
Like some kind of creepy deviant, I watched her sleep.
At first, I had cradled her sleeping body in my arms, but after a while I had become so consumed with worries I had to get up and pace the floor restlessly.
I thought about my pathetic attempt to become one of the normal folk. How I had switched out my black attire, so I would be as far as possible from the world that I had embroiled myself in. To be just another man taking his woman out for dinner.
I’d been just about to step out of the house, when the reality of who I was hit me. Who was I kidding? I hadn’t come this far to let my dick do the thinking for me. The plan had been to ignore the chatter coming from my brain and completely cut her out of my life, but the moment her text came through, I became like a caged animal. I couldn’t sit still. I imagined the worst. It had become impossible for me to resist her. All I could do was run to her. There was no way around it. I was a sucker for her big beautiful caramel eyes. I just couldn’t push her away. Hell, I couldn’t even say no. Even when I know how damn dangerous she was to me, to what I needed to do.
I walked back to the bed and lay down next to her. Her skin felt so soft and silky I wanted to weep at the sweet sensation.
She shifted then, and her eyelids fluttered open.
Our eyes met.
“Bone,” she whispered sleepily. Then she blushed, a soft rosy glow spread all over her face as I continued to stare at her. Embarrassed, she hid her face in my chest.
I felt my heart melt. It’d been a very long time since anyone had touched any depth inside me like this girl had and it scared the shit out of me. Every nerve in my body became taut with panic. “I’ll go warm up the food,” I said and jackknifed out of bed. Not till I exited the room, was I able to breathe.
But I didn’t go on to the kitchen, I turned and watched her through the slit between the door and the wall. I saw her pull the covers up to her chest. She shuffled around a bit before settling into a comfortable enough position. I watched as she remained still in thought for a moment before softy brushing her fingers across the pillow that I had just gotten up from. Shutting her eyes, she buried her nose into it to relish my scent.
I felt real fear then. The kind that could not even be compared to the most dangerous situations I had encountered in the club.
It was the same ghost of a fear that had reared its sensible head earlier. Now, its whole body had appeared and it reminded me much more clearly of the risk I was taking and what I was once again, putting on the line. The hairs on the back of my neck were standing.