Page 15 of Desert Island
Carson looks at me with a concerned look on his face. “Why, my love? Is it something I did?”
It’s nothing like that. I just got a whiff of my armpits and it’s not good.
I need a shower badly, but with the lack of running water on this island, I don’t know what the hell to do now.
He puts me down and I dart away, squeezing my arms to my ribs to trap in the vile scent that will surely turn this hot man’s simmering eyes into indifference or worse… disgust.
“What is it?” he asks, his sexy eyes never leaving me.
“I…” Ugh, there’s no use in lying. “I’m a bit sweaty and I need to… wash up.”
His confused face turns into a wolfish grin. “Follow me.”
About twenty minutes later, we emerge from the rainforest and into a clearing that takes my breath away.
“Wow,” I gasp as I look around in awe.
It’s like out of a movie. It seems too perfect to be real.
A waterfall is tumbling over a rocky cliff into the most perfect turquoise lagoon on the planet. It’s stunning. Surrounded by jungle and large colorful flowers. Exotic birds are zipping around leaving a blur of vivid color wherever they go, singing their wonderful soothing songs. It’s truly paradise.
And to be sharing it with Carson… That’s the real paradise.
“Welcome,” he says with his arms out as he spins around. “To your new bath.”
“It’s incredible,” I say, still looking around in awe. “You bathe here?”
He nods.
Wait. Are we going to get naked now? Together?
I’m looking around, but there doesn’t seem to be another lagoon just for boys. I think we have to share this one. An excited little thrill tingles through me at the tempting thought.
It’s going to be nice to rinse off, but I’m really wishing I had my shampoo and body wash with me, or anything really. It’s pathetic, but I’d even kill for one of those moist hand napkins they give you when you order ribs at a restaurant. How am I going to clean when—
“What is that?” I gasp in shock and wonder, staring at Carson’s outstretched hand in amazement.
“Coconut soap,” he says with a grin. “I make lye from the wood ashes and add in oil from coconuts and viola, soap.”
I grab the bar of soap from his hand and smell it. Mmmmm. It smells better than the stuff I can afford at the drugstore. This man is full of surprises.
He steps toward the water and my body goes still as he reaches for the clasp on his loincloth. My breath gets caught in my throat as he flicks his fingers and the loincloth tumbles down to his feet.
One more surprise: he’s got a hell of an ass.
I watch with my heart pounding and my breath quickening as he steps onto a large rock and dives into the water, disappearing below the shiny surface in a blur.
I’m not sure what’s louder—the roar of the waterfall or the beat of my racing heart in my ears.
I don’t dare blink as I watch his body gliding under the water. His head pops up in the middle of the lagoon and he turns around to grin at me, hair slicked back, a sexy look in his mischievous eyes.
“Join me, my love.”
I gulp.
There’s no way I can get naked in front of him… is there?
I mean, he’s already kind of seen the outline of my breasts in this pashmina. It covers most of my body, but it’s thin and a little bit transparent. Still, there’s a big difference between that and stripping down to nothing.
He swims back as I’m contemplating it, or internally freaking out is more accurate.
My mind slows to a stop as he gets his footing and starts walking toward me, the water line creeping down his hard chest, then his sculpted abs with every step.
I couldn’t take my eyes off him if I tried. I’m locked on his wet gorgeous body as each step reveals more and more and more of him.
The water is at his waist and with one more step of his powerful legs, his long thick cock comes into view. Drops of water run down his wide shaft that practically hangs down to his knees. He’s huge.
I’m staring, mesmerized, as he steps out of the lagoon and walks right up to me.
I force my eyes up to his. My cheeks are on fire. My pussy too.
“It’s okay, Bridget, my love,” he says in that deep sexy voice that is hypnotizing to me. “Fate brought us both to this island, don’t you see? We belong to one another. Fate is sometimes off in her timing, sending me here eight years early, but she always gets it right eventually. You’re mine, love. Your beautiful curvy body belongs to me, just like my body belongs to you.”
I can’t seem to find my voice as my eyes slowly drop down his huge round shoulders, his perfect arms, his hard-defined abs, that beautiful, mouthwatering cock…