Page 19 of When We're Alone
Chapter eighteen
Iwakeupthe next morning and reflexively smile when I smell Stone lingering in my room, and that’s exactly when I know I have a problem. What is wrong with me? Also, I must be imagining it, because I definitely locked my door last night. Even knowing this, I get up and check, confirming it’s still locked. I did contemplate trying to convince myself that I was too drained to get up and lock the door last night, but I was well aware that it was complete bullshit. I like having Stone in my space and smelling him in the morning; I just happen to sort of hate him too. It’s complicated. He continues ignoring me, though, and I give my head a shake because I am not that kind of girl. My door is staying locked.
I manage to get through the next few days uneventfully. I’m hoping it’s because people are winding down for spring break and so have better things to think about than me. I must be the only person not looking forward to it. Millie is still away for most of it visiting her grandparents, so I’ll be on my own for a while. At least Stone has plans, so I won’t have to run into his grumpy face much. Although, even as I say that, I feel a slight twinge of disappointment.
I end up kind of liking Mason and Reid, which is odd because they’re the Elite, the ones telling people to harass me, but they’re not like that to me. It’s so strange. Stone glares every time they speak to me, so clearly he’s not happy they’re not listening, but that’s their issue, not mine.
On Friday morning, I meet Mum in the kitchen. Normally I manage to get ready, eat, and get to school without seeing anyone.
“Morning,” I say tentatively.
“Morning, Ava,” she replies with a smile. Mum has been different this past week. She still only asks minimal questions, but she’s genuinely interested and keen for answers. It’s not just the speaking, though. It’s as if she sits taller and with more confidence rather than apologising for taking space at the table. I’m loving the change in her, but I’m still somewhat awkward with the small talk, and this is the first time we’ve been alone in a while.
“You’re up early,” I say.
“We have to get going for our flight.”
“The weather looks like it’ll be amazing.” She and Foster are meeting some friends in Tulum, and I’m excited for her to relax and enjoy herself. Foster enters the kitchen just then with Stone skulking behind him. I return Foster’s smile and ignore Stone.
“It’s supposed to be nice here too,” Foster adds, clearly having heard me.
“Yep. I’m looking forward to spending the week in that exact space.” I point to my favourite lounger through the double doors.
“I’ve read that it might bring overnight storms, though. Will you be okay?” Mum asks.
I’m stunned silent. Staring at my mum, I open and close my mouth like a fish out of water. I can’t believe she remembers my fear of storms. She’s never done anything to comfort me through them for the last however many years, so why she thinks I can’t manage now, I’m not sure. Even thinking that, I can’t really bring up any anger towards my mum.
“I’ll be fine,” I say with a forced half smile.
“What’s wrong with storms?” Stone asks, the first time he’s spoken since he came in. I’d kind of forgotten the other two were there, and my ears warm with embarrassment at how childish I must sound.
“Nothing. Have a great week, guys,” I tell Mum and Foster, cutting off that conversation and leaving for school.
I immediately regret that decision when I step into the courtyard and everyone turns to look at me. Trying to ignore their gazes, I continue on to my locker but meet Cole before I get there.
“Hey, Aves, have you seen this?”
I take the piece of paper he’s handing to me and fume when I see what’s printed on it. There’s a picture of a woman lying on her back, legs spread with her knees tied to each elbow so you can see everything. “Dirty little slut” is written across her thighs, but if it wasn’t obvious enough they were making it out to be me, the handy title of The Winning Bet would’ve made that clear. My anger over that fucking bet rears it’s head again. Obviously it’s not me—I think I’d remember that situation happening—but someone here is decent enough at Photoshop to replace her head with mine pretty seamlessly. Not that I think anyone really cares if it’s truly me or not, the effect is the same.
“For fucks sake,” I grit out. “You know this isn’t me, right?”
“Irrelevant,” Cole says, and I love him a bit more, but he’s right. Even if it was me consenting to my sexual kink, these fuckers shouldn’t be passing it around for laughs. I decide to let it go, to sigh and get on with my day, and I’m doing a decent job at it until I see Caitlin, Winnie, and a few of their friends on the way to my second class. Winnie shoulder checks me, and I see red. I spin round, grabbing her ponytail to halt her in her tracks. She squeals and spins as I let go of her hair.
“Nice Photoshop skills. What exactly is your goal here?” We’re attracting looks, but I don’t care. Let them watch me put this bitch in her place.
“No goal,” she says nonchalantly. “I didn’t realise the win was so private; the bet certainly wasn’t.” Humiliation threatens to suffocate me at the thought of all of these people sitting around watching Stone and Dane play cards for the right to fuck me. Although Stone had looked like he felt some remorse when Dane spilled the news, he hadn’t even apologised so far.
“Does Stone know you’re implying he’d do this?” I ask, holding the flyer up. It’s a stab in the dark, but her face never falters from her smirk, so I guess he does. I officially hate him again.
“Stone hates Highland scum as much as the rest of us,” she gloats, and I can’t help but laugh at how ridiculous this whole thing is.
“You’re pathetic.” I turn to go, but she returns the hair pull. The crowd now around us closes in and buzzes with murmurs, ready to see more.
“What did you say, slut?” Winnie taunts.
“I said you’re pathetic.” She slaps me then. I’ve only ever been slapped by one person, and I couldn’t retaliate then, but like fuck am I going to let this one go. Before I can even think it through I’ve punched her in the face, and she falls back squealing. Ouch! Punching is not the most productive use of your energy, that shit hurts. I shake my hand out, trying to relieve some of the pain.
“Fucking get her!” Winnie screeches from the floor with a hand over her nose. Caitlin stalks towards me, with their friends slightly behind showing a little more reluctance. Clearly they weren’t expecting to do any dirty work, and I widen my stance, getting ready to defend against Caitlin first, but none of them get a chance to get close at all.
“Stop.” His deep voice booms over the heads of everyone watching us and they all freeze, even the people with nothing to do with the fight. The crowd parts like the fucking Red Sea, and I have to roll my eyes at the dramatics. “What the fuck is going on?” Stone asks as he steps up to us, his eyes locked on mine.
“She hit me!” Winnie whines, but he doesn’t even spare her a glance.
“Everyone fuck off.” They all turn to scurry away and I try to take my chance, but he grabs on to my arm. “Not you.”
“What?” I ask incredulously. “She hit me first.” His eyes drop to my cheek, which I’m sure proves that, before he drags me along the hallways and into an empty classroom. “What?!” I ask again, ripping my arm out of his hold. He doesn’t grab me again, instead tracing my stinging cheek with gentle fingertips. My lips part on a gasp at his sudden tender touch. I swear electricity runs through his veins.
“Did she hurt you?”
“Hardly. I’m used to getting slapped by much heavier hands than hers.” The second it comes out I want to put the words back. His eyes switch from almost gentle to pure fury.
“From who?”
“It doesn’t matter. I shouldn’t have said anything.”
“It does matter, Ava.” He’s way too close to me, and the way he says my name sends warm sensations through my body. I need to get back in control.
“I’d have thought you’d be happy about this. The flyers provoked a reaction. Isn’t that Bullying 101?” I scoff.
“What flyers?”
“Oh, please,” I say, cocking a brow at him.
“I don’t like to repeat myself, Ava.” Fuck, that’s hot. I break eye contact before I actually burst into flames and shove the paper I’m still holding scrunched up in one hand into his chest. He takes it from me and straightens it out.
“What the fuck? How did they get this?” I can see the way his muscles tense even through his shirt. Very distracting.
“It’s not actually me, Jesus!”
“Oh? Is that all you have to say?”
“It’s not you,” he says simply with a shrug. He seems almost relieved. I don’t get to reply to that as the door opens, a lecturer jumping slightly at seeing us standing there.
“You’re not supposed to be in here unsupervised.” Stone glares, but that’s my cue.
“Sorry, I was just going.” I run out and head straight for class.
The rest of the day passes in a sea of laughs and nudges, and I’m thoroughly bored by the end of it, although weirdly, no one says anything in the classes I share with Reid or Mason— not even Reid or Mason. I’m sulking as I get to the class I share with all three of them.
“What’s up with you, Little Highland?”
“Oh, you can talk to me in this class, can you?” None of them speak to me at school outside of this class, as if they need the pretence of the project to do it. Not that I give a fuck, but it’s getting kind of boring being dropped so many times. Mason and Reid both give Stone looks I can’t decipher, but I don’t even have the energy to try, and none of them say anything else. “Whatever. I’ve got some questions about my part.” I spend the hour clarifying how my part fits into it and getting some pointers, seeing as I wasn’t here to work on the bulk of it, but I’m pretty confident I’ve done well by the end, and there’s not much left to finish. The bell rings and I’m up first, as usual, ready to get away from here, but Stone grabs my hand.
“You’ve done well,” he says, but it’s like that’s not what he wanted to say at all.
“Gee, thanks,” I say sarcastically, pulling out of his hold. I don’t need his validation. I stalk away as my wrist burns from his touch.
“Aren’t you glad there’s no party tonight?” Cole asks rhetorically when I see him on the way to the car park.
“Fuck yes,” I reply anyway, and he chuckles. I do not have the mental energy for socialising. I am ready to get away from these people for a week. That would be a lot easier if the car we just got to didn’t have its tyres slashed again. Fuck. I seriously hate these people.
“Ride?” Cole offers, and I smile appreciatively at him.
“I can take you.” I’d recognise Stone’s voice anywhere, but it comes from so close behind me that I jump. I swear he’s weightless. Turning to face him, I stare him down with no emotion.
He leans in so only Cole and I can hear him.
“I’ll give you a lift home.” Oh, so suddenly I’m allowed in his car as well? No thank you.
I say overly loudly, “Ew, I wouldn’t want your tiny prick near me even if I had to walk fifty miles home instead,” and hear a few gasps and more than a few chuckles. Well, that was satisfying payback—like for like. I lean in slightly so I can speak quieter for the next part. “Plus, this slut has a lot of tension to relieve, if you know what I mean.” I wink and Cole slings his arm around my shoulders, right on cue. He’s fast becoming one of my favourite people.
“Ava,” Stone warns, but I ignore him, even if I have to fight off a shiver at the sound of my name coming from his mouth. I walk with Cole to his car and slide in. Stone’s still standing there watching us when we pull out of the parking lot.