Page 83 of Fractured Lies (MAC Security 1)
“Come on Mama!” Eli shouted from downstairs.
Ty’s eyes widened as he shot away from me his head whipping to the door and back. I patted him on the shoulder as I walked past laughing at the awkwardness on his face.
“It’s not funny,” he followed me out.
“Sure.” I croaked and started down the stairs. He humphed, which only made me laugh harder.
“I’ll be out all day” Ty said as he pulled his coat on. “Luke will be with Eli.”
“Okay,” I nodded and kissed Eli’s cheek. He’d been back at preschool for a few days now and I still hadn’t taken him. My eye wasn’t healed yet and although I could cover most of it with makeup, I couldn’t bring myself to go out of the gates. The more time I spent inside the compound the more I didn’t want to leave.
“Love you sweetie.”
“Love you.” Eli ran out of the door and straight to Luke who was waiting by the car.
“Kitty and Evan will be over later,” he pulled his beanie on and took Eli’s bag from me.
“Okay.” I swallowed.
Ty hesitated, opening his mouth several times, he finally closed it and shook his head and leaned forward. Placing a kiss on the top of my head had become his thing to do before he left. Leaning against the door frame I watched him get into the car and waved as they drove to the gates.
I’d grown comfortable in this bubble, no one could get in or out without any of us knowing. The compound had become my crutch, I was terrified of going outside those gates, I didn’t think anyone knew that. I hoped they just thought that I needed time to heal, physically.
I felt sick just thinking about going out of those gates.
This place felt like home, I kept reminding myself not to get too comfortable because we wouldn’t be able to stay here forever. I’d need to leave at some point.
But staring at those big gates and imagining walking through them sent chills down my spine.
I leaned against the open door and yawned. Last night was the first night that I had slept alone, although not much sleeping had taken place. Ty thought that I slept with Eli because he didn’t want to be alone, but it was me who didn’t want to be alone.
I couldn’t bear to see those images when I closed my eyes so instead I stayed awake and stared at the walls.
Nobody had mentioned Max, not even Eli. I was sure that he would have asked what was going on but he just got on with things. In fact, he was happier than I had ever seen him. Ty hadn’t pushed for any more information since Charlie had left last week. I could still see the questions in his eyes every time he looked at me, but not once did he ask, I was grateful for that.
I jumped, a noise startling me and turned to where it came from. I gasped and rushed back into the house when I saw Evan leaving his cabin.
I hadn’t seen him since I freaked out on him last week. I couldn’t stay away from him much longer, I mean we worked together and right now we lived on the same compound so I’d have to face him eventually.
It wasn’t that I was afraid of him, I was embarrassed about what had happened. Evan was one of the gentlest people that I knew and yet I hadn’t been able to stop my body’s reaction to him that day.
I peeked out the window in the door, he was stood in the middle of the compound staring at the house. I watched him turn his head to the warehouse and then swivel back around toward the house.
My hands started to sweat as he started walking toward the house. I wasn’t ready to see him, I didn’t know what to do or say to him. My breathing started coming in pants the closer he got and by the time he knocked on the door I felt like I had an elephant sat on my chest.
“Kay?” He brought his face closer to the window and I ducked to the side. The fast movement caused my side to twitch in pain, I held my breath waiting for him to go.
“I know you’re in there,” I could tell by his voice that he was smiling. My breaths slowed the more he talked, I found it ironic he was the reason that I felt like this yet he was also the reason that I was calming down.
“Come on Kay” he groaned “I miss you”
I peeked up at the door, his face smashed up against the window trying to see inside. He must have seen me because he pulled back and smiled wide.
“Will you be my friend?” he pouted.