Page 208 of Jerusalem
I’m offering pizza and me special stash.
This hooker wanted some. Said I could do
Her up the arse, but no. I’d promised you.”
Dazed, Denis blinks, and in an arc-light flash
Sees his new life in pin-sharp clarity,
All the hard bargains that it will entail
Keeping on the right side of a front door.
He nods. Kenny suggests that it might save
Time done while waiting for the microwave
To cook their pizzas. On the kitchen floor
Den kneels, unzips his host’s distended snail
And puts it in his mouth, fixing instead
On Wilde or Whitman, striving to ingest
Such poetry as might be had among
The rancid piston’s movements on his tongue,
Attempting to maintain an interest
In De Profundis while he’s giving head
But failing to recall a useful quote.
Den, lacking panthers, feasts with porcine things
Whose world, arrhythmic, will admit no rhyme
Save chance events acted at the same time:
Just as the heartless oven-timer pings
Fat Kenny’s semen sluices down his throat.
They eat in silence. Den discovers he
Can still taste his aperitif and hence
Does not enjoy his entrée. When they?
??re done
The Happy Shopper Buddha-featured one
Announces that it’s now time to commence
With their ethno-botanic odyssey