Page 36 of Vanishing Point

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Page 36 of Vanishing Point

She grappled in the esky and picked up two bottles by feel.

‘Shut it.’

She closed the esky as ordered.

Karl pushed her roughly back to where Benjamin sat, forcing her to shuffle awkwardly. It hurt but she couldn’t put her hands up to try to ease her pain without dropping the beers.

‘Serve ya man,’ Karl ordered, forcing her to her knees in front of Benjamin.

She held out the beers.

Karl grinned, he was enjoying her pain and humiliation.

‘What ‘appened?’ asked Ben


‘What ‘appened? Ya fuckin’ woman was tryin’ ta get me fuckin’ gun. Reckon ya need ta take ‘er in ‘and a bit, mate. She’s bloody dangerous. Ya need ta control ‘er more or she’ll kill ya. Or me, or both of us.’

Benjamin didn’t object to Karl’s swearing. Instead he looked at Katherine still kneeling in front of him. His eyes narrowed. ‘That so? Ya gun, eh?’

By now her the pain in her scalp hurt so much it was making Katherine cry. A mixture of pain, fear and uncontrolled anger welled up inside her.

‘Yes, it is. I want to go home. I thought I could force you to take me home if I took the gun. I’ve been your prisoner for too long. I just want to go, to get out of here. Please, I beg you, please let me go. Take me and my child home.’

‘Home? Ya is home.’ Benjamin turned to Karl, still holding Katherine’s hair in his fist. ‘Ya came at a good time. We was jist talking ‘bout her not being a proper wife. Jist listen ta her. Home! I reckon I’se bin patient enough. When is long enough? Wadda ya think, eh?’

Karl looked at Katherine, kneeling on the floor, crying. His mouth curled into a mirthless grin. ‘Sure ya have, mate. Real patient. How long’s ya gunna wait, eh?’ He ground his cigarette into the ground and leaned into Katherine’s face. ‘How long, eh?’ His breath smelt foul, but it was not the smell of stale tobacco. It had a sweetish scent to it.

Benjamin continued. ‘The gun, eh? No proper wife would take a gun ta her man. Ain’t right.’

‘Ya right, Benjamin. She’s dangerous an’ not a proper wife ta ya. Mind ya, I reckon I could help ya there. I could teach her to be a proper wife, like ya wants? Like ya told me the Bible says she must be? I reckon God wants me to help ya.’

Benjamin responded to Karl while looking at Katherine, ‘Well …’ He hesitated. ‘I’m goin’ ta Perth tomorrow. Be away ‘bout two weeks. Ya gunna ‘ave ta look after the place an’ her anyways. Mebbe ya kin teach her to obey her man like the Bible says?’

‘Sure, I’d be pleased ta help ya. She’s gunna be real pleased to see ya back, eh? I promise.’

Benjamin looked back at Katherine. He saw the fear in her eyes and hesitated momentarily. ‘Don’t ya hurt her. Jist tell her what she has to do to be a good wife. An’ she’s me wife, not yours, even if ya is me mate, so no muckin’ about. God’s law says, ‘Thou shalt not commit adultery.’ Ya know what that means, don’ ya? An’ what’ll ‘appen if ya break God’s laws.’

‘Oh, yeah. Sure I know. Wouldn’t dream of anythin’ like that, mate.’

‘Ya reckon ya kin fix her? I want her to be a proper wife but I ain’t gunna force her. She ‘as to come ta me by herself, that’s what God wants.’

‘No worries, I won’ hit her. Jist tell her. Ya know, bit of stick an’ carrot. Reward an’ the like. Don’ worry, mate she’ll listen ta me.’

‘Jist make sure ya keep ya gun locked up.’ Benjamin hesitated. He knew that Karl could be violent, but he also knew that he could ruin Karl’s life with a single anonymous call to the police.

Their symbiotic relationship meant they needed each other. Karl needed Benjamin so he could remain anonymous; Karl used his vehicle and gun but Benjamin owned them. His life as a shooter would be over if Benjamin chose.

‘Yeah, okay. If ya do anythin’ ta her I don’ like, it’ll be ya that’s gorn, mate.’

‘No worries, mate. I promise no hurtin’. Jist tell an’ show. She’ll be right, mate. Ya know I wouldn’t do anythin’ ta upset me ol’ mate.’

Benjamin had tried patience and kindness with this woman. Perhaps now was the time for her to see there were others who could be less kind. Perhaps it was God’s way. God of mercy could also be God who demanded punishment and anger. That what the Bible shows. ‘Jist make sure ya keep ya gun locked up.’

The night before Benjamin left, Katherine hardly slept. She was terrified at the thought of being alone at the Factory with Karl. She looked at Carolyn peacefully asleep next to her and thought it was amazing that she had survived so well, through all the hardships. At this age, had she been in a normal environment, she would have had several visits to Mothers-and-Babies, received advice on weaning, had her weight checked and had all the appropriate inoculations. In spite of these things missing from her little life, she was the picture of health.

Katherine was less sure of her own health. She knew she had slimmed down but was unsure of her actual appearance; Benjamin regarded mirrors as a source of vanity. Once he had caught her brushing her hair using the vehicle mirror and had verbally abused her, quoting the sin of vanity. Now, the most she could check was her reflection in a window. In spite of this, she managed to maintain her looks to ensure she did not succumb to depression. It was important that she be strong and set an example for her child.

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