Page 48 of Vanishing Point
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Karl arrived two days after Benjamin left to take a load of hives to the forests in preparation for the season’s eucalypt flowers. The visit was unscheduled. Benjamin was to be away for at least a fortnight.
Katherine had not been alone with Karl since before Isaac was born. Within the first few days of his stay it was obvious that whatever she did was not gong to be good enough. The room was too dirty, the meal too cold and she was too slow. She feared for the children as Karl had threatened to set his dog on them if she didn’t do as he demanded. He screamed at her every time she failed to live up to his expectations. She was intimidated by the continual verbal abuse. It wore her down and she scurried around in an attempt to prevent more of it. He was smoking with increasing frequency and Katherine noticed that the combination of smoking and alcohol fuelled his tempers.
It was clear to her that it would be only a matter of time before Karl would do even worse, possibly even rape her. It seemed that he no longer feared that Benjamin might find out or, even if he did, that he could handle any potential retaliation. The way Karl behaved made her think that he might even kill Benjamin should a conflict arise between the two men.
Katherine’s mind worked overtime. She was convinced that Karl was deranged and obviously hated women, not just her. She frantically tried to think of a ways out of her worsening predicament and to defend both herself and her children. Escape from the continuing nightmare became more critical but after so long at the Factory she felt she had exhausted all avenues.
She worried her mere presence could cause a fight between Benjamin and Karl: males fighting over the female in the most primitive evolutionary battle. She tried to stay as invisible as possible, keeping the children as far away as she could. In the confined area of the Factory this was difficult. Fear ruled night and day. Ironically, she longed for Benjamin’s return.
Her final humiliation came when, in frustration, she had nerve enough to answer him back. He complained that his meal was cold when he came in.
‘It was hot when I called you. You took your time coming in.’
His black eyes narrowed. He had been at the whisky and was unsteady on his feet. He knocked his plate to the floor, scattering the remains of his meal. His glass of precious whisky spilt. He glowered as he took deliberate steps towards her. She backed off but with lightening swiftness he grabbed her shoulder. He forced her to her knees. Inches from her upturned face he snarled, ‘Me meal was cold. Look what ya done now, bitch. Ya’re a bloody cheeky bitch. That’s what ya is, a bloody cheeky bitch. So’s I’ll treat ya like one ‘til ya come creeping back ta me an’ says sorry, real sorry.’ His quiet anger was more frightening than when he yelled at her.
He dragged her across the floor to the open door, ignoring her cries and the screams of the children. Karl whistled for his dog. Katherine was terrified that he was going to make good his threat and set the dog on her or the children. ‘Leave my kids, leave them alone. I’ll clean it up. I’m sorry.’
Karl just looked at her lying on the floor and, when the dog came slobbering up to him, he removed the studded collar. Holding Katherine flat on the ground with his leg he put the collar around her neck, pulling it uncomfortably tight.
‘Bitches need ta be trained, jist like me dog. See ‘ow he comes when I call, does what I order? Now, youse gunna be me bitch,’ he snarled at her. ‘Clean it up,’ he pointed at the spill.
Katherine desperately wanted to go to the crying children but she was too terrified to do anything that might antagonise Karl further. She started to stand but Karl pushed her down with his leg.
‘Bitch, on ya fuckin’ knees. Dogs an’ bitches on all four legs.’ He laughed.
She crawled forward and used her hands started to scoop up the mess. Tears of pain and humiliation coursed down her cheeks.
Karl watched her every move and smiled, his eyes narrowed to slits. There was something addictive about his power over her. He looked at her on hands and knees, wearing the collar, her tear-streaked face turned down towards the floor and he felt a sexual thrill. As she worked he watched her hips, her narrow waist and her swinging breasts through the open neckline of her home-made kaftan. Her obvious misery only seemed to make his pleasure greater. He was now confident that he would be able to do anything
he wanted, and the more he felt this way the more he pushed the possible consequences from Benjamin out of mind.
When she finished cleaning up the spill she looked up nervously and asked, ‘Can I get up now, please?’
Karl exaggeratedly looked at the floor. ‘Ya call that clean, bitch? All ya done is scoop the mess. I wanna ‘ave it clean. Clean it proper like.’
‘I’ll need a cloth. I’ll get one.’
Karl hesitated. ‘Naw, ya can lick it up, like me dog.’
Horrified, Katherine was in no position to argue so she leaned forward and licked up the scattered mess. Karl laughed when the dog, seeing her raised hips and lowered head, tried to mount her. Karl waited a moment then kicked the dog away.
‘Naw, ya stoopid dog. This is me bitch, git orf of ‘er. If there’s any fuckin’ to do it’ll be me.’
Katherine sat back on her haunches and looked pitifully at Karl, who was now flushed and grinning.
‘Please, Karl. It’s all clean now. Let the children go now and I’ll make you another meal. Get another drink. I promise I’ll be good and —’
‘Ya’ll be good, eh? Okay, beg.’
‘Please, I beg of you Karl. For the sake of the children. Enough.’
‘Beg, bitch.’ This feeling of power was just too much for him to let go.
‘Please, Karl. I beg of you. Let the children go and I’ll do what you want.’
Karl knew what he wanted, but he still didn’t want to risk alienating Benjamin. Better to get his revenge on women by humiliating this one. That way he’d keep his power without upsetting the absent Benjamin.