Page 58 of Vanishing Point
‘Give us a goodnight kiss, darl.’ He puckered his lips at Carolyn who dutifully but nervously kissed him back.
‘See, ole Karl’s not so bad, eh? Ya can teach ya mummy a thing, eh?’ He looked meaningfully at Katherine. ‘An’ a kiss from ya?’
Katherine, not wanting to create a scene while she held Carolyn, leaned forward and kissed him quickly on the side of his face.
‘Ya better git ya arse back here soon, bitch, or I’se gunna be lookin’ for you. An’ the kid.’
Katherine took Carolyn into their shared room and had a quick look at the sleeping Isaac before putting her daughter into bed. She still didn’t have a plan to get to the gates without Karl knowing. She patted Carolyn’s hair. ‘Listen carefully, sweetheart. You just pop off to sleep now and have sweet dreams. I’m just going to tidy up then I’ll come back.’
‘Goodnight, Mummy.’
‘Goodnight, angel. Sleep tight. I’m going to be back very soon. If I wake you then you must keep very quiet. All right?’
‘Yes, Mummy. Good night.’
Before leaving the room Katherine gathered together a few of her homemade clothes, some for the children and a couple of blankets. She tied a blanket around everything. From the dunny she collected the hidden torch and put it next to the pile, grateful that Petri had thought to give it to her. She returned to the main building.
Katherine knew now that she was no longer the shy girl of years ago. She was ready to fight, to do whatever it took to get away, even kill if necessary. Tonight was her last chance. No matter what it took she would not let the children go with this man.
Karl was still sitting at the table. ‘So, now jist ya an’ me, bitch. Last night together or are youse coming with me?’
‘I told you, I’m staying here with my children. You go, and go now, tonight.’
‘Nah, plenny a time. I’se goin’ at first light. Reckon I’se gunna take ya wif me.’
‘I told you. I won’t leave here without my children. Nothing in the world will make me.’
Karl’s eyes narrowed and a thin smile played around the edge of his lips. He lifted the stubby and drained it without taking it from his mouth. ‘Nothing in the world will make me,’ he mimicked. ‘Listen, ya stoopid bitch. I kin make ya, I kin make ya do anythin’ I want.’ He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. His voice became a snarling growl.
‘I’ll tell ya if ya stay, if ya go, if the kids stay, if they go. If I say jump, ya fuckin’ well jump.’
Katherine was silent. He held all the cards, evil cards and all stacked against her. She tried a different approach. ‘No point arguing, Karl. It’s true. You are stronger. I was just thinking what was best for all of us, not just me and the kids but also for you. Without me and the kids you’d be able to move faster. You know we’d be in your way.’ She smiled. He appeared to be buying it. ‘Anyway, can I get you a coffee, or a whisky?’
‘Don’ be a fuckin’ stoopid bitch. I told ya before, when d’ya see me drinkin’ coffee? Bring me the bottle.’
Katherine went to the shelf and took down the nearly full bottle of whisky. Behind it was a second bottle. She handed him the drink then busied herself around the main building, tidying and putting things away. She cleaned dishes, emptied rubbish containers and kept his glass full. He sat silent most of the time, sipping and smoking, obviously deep in thought while watching her move around the building.
She thought about the generator. There couldn’t be too much fuel left. If it ran out she could make a move. Hopefully the quantity of beer and whisky imbibed by Karl would be suf-ficient to make him sleepy, if not drunk. She moved quietly across the room towards the door. Karl was still lounging in the chair between her and the door. His eyes looked half closed.
‘Where d’ya think ya goin’?’ he growled.
‘I’m going to bed. I’m tired from the packing and the cleaning up.’ Katherine moved closer to the door. As she passed the chair he reached out a hand and grabbed the edge of her kaftan.
‘Not so fast, bitch.’
Katherine turned. ‘More whisky?’ She kept her voice steady.
‘Nah, reckon it’s time I had a bitta ya. So, ‘ow ”bout bitta kissy kissy, eh, jist like lil ole Carolyn.’
‘Forget it, Karl. I’ll get you whisky but —’
‘Bitch. Ya reckon I’se too pissed ta fix ya? Let’s go fetch Carolyn eh? She’ll teach her mummy how ta kiss an’ dance.’ Karl stood up. Still holding her, he lurched towards the door. In spite of the drinking he was relatively steady on his feet.
‘No, no. Okay. I’ll kiss you. Just leave Carolyn out of this.’
‘C’mon then.’ Karl puckered his lips and leaned forward.
Bracing herself, Katherine leaned forward and quickly kissed him on his cheek. With lightening reflexes his hand went up behind her head and, as she drew away, pushed her face hard into his, lips on lips. His other hand grabbed her buttocks and pushed her hips against him. She realised bullying gave him the sexual excitement he needed. She needed somehow take control of the situation. Catching her breath she tried to pull back and huskily said, ‘That wasn’t so bad. Not as bad as I thought you’d be. You must have kissed lots of women.’