Page 23 of Montana Desire
The food was delicious, and the conversation was easy and hilarious. Especially when the entire head table was involved in an all-out argument—in fun—about which flavor of cake was the best.
Of course, the bride won. Red velvet cake, which Lena had made and was decorated in the same shades of white and lavender. It was beautiful. Harlan and Grace cut a piece, and much to every woman’s relief and every man’s disappointment, there was no smashing of the cake into the couple’s faces.
“Harlan is a smart man,” Grant said from where he stood behind me. He was so close that I could feel the heat coming off him.
“Yes, he is. If the bride doesn’t want cake smashed in her face, and the groom does it anyway? That’s a big red flag.”
We were standing in the crowd of people that were clapping and watching the bride and groom eat cake. And suddenly, his hand wrapped around my waist, pulling me back against his body. No one was watching us or judging us, with all eyes on the bride and groom. Grant’s breath tickled my ear. “Thank you for coming with me, Cori.”
I couldn’t breathe. It was all I could do not to melt into him entirely. “Thank you for asking me.”
“Okay, folks,” the MC said over the speakers. “It’s time for us to wish the happy couple good night if they want to catch their plane. But don’t worry, the party will still be going long after they’re getting their happy ending.”
Scattered laughter erupted, but we filed out of the tent together, lighting the sparklers Lena had supplied for this. The photographer snapped photos, and we cheered as Grace and Harlan ran through the tunnel of sparks to the truck that was decked out in ribbons and streamers.
“Where’s the honeymoon?”
Grant took my sparkler, since it was almost dead, and snuffed it before tossing it into the nearby can. “Europe. Grace always wanted to go, and she was never able to.”
“That’s nice.”
“Where would you go?” he asked. “If you could go anywhere.”
Having a wealthy family, I’d gotten to go to plenty of places. Europe and Asia and the beach locations. All on vacation. But those memories included he who shall not be named, and I didn’t want to go back there. Not now, at least.
“Ireland,” I said finally. “My family was never interested in going, but I’ve always wanted to.”
“Why there?” Grant only looked curious, and another comparison popped into my mind, though I didn’t want it to.
I’d asked him if he wanted to plan a trip to Ireland with me, and he’d made a face and asked what there was to do in a country that was only grass.
“Every picture I see is beautiful,” I said. “Feels peaceful. And maybe it’s not. But I just…” I shrugged. “I’ve always wanted to see it, you know? So I could see if what I felt in the pictures is the way it really is.”
He nodded. “That makes sense.”
“You don’t think it’s stupid?”
“Why would I think that’s stupid?” he asked, frowning.
Grant stepped into my space, looking down at me. Inside the tent, the music was playing again, and the sounds of merriment filtered out to us. The moon was bright, and the temperature was dropping. I could see our combined breath, and I knew down in my gut that I would always remember this moment.
“Nothing you could ever want…” he said quietly, then smiled. “Well, nothing outside of maybe murder, would ever make me think you were stupid, Cori. And it makes me angry that anyone—even if it wasn’t him—made you feel differently. You are allowed to want the things that you want, without having to feel lesser or embarrassed.”
I was suddenly very glad that it was dark out here. He hadn’t heard what I’d asked Joel for. I knew that for sure. And yet, it felt as if he were speaking about exactly that.
His sentiment echoed what Lena and Evelyn had said too. That I was in the right, and there was nothing wrong with curiosity. No matter what, I needed to remember that. “Thank you.”
“Would you like to go back in?”
Glancing past him to the tent, I saw people dancing and laughing, and it was beautiful. But it was all still catching up with me. Last night, and the overwhelming feelings of tonight. I wanted to be home. Either alone…or with Grant.
“No,” I said. “Do you?”
A half smile. “Not really.”
“I did leave my jacket, though.”
He intercepted me. “I’ll grab it.”
I watched him weave his way through the dancers and retrieve the light jacket from the back of my chair. He shook hands with Jude, and they shared a few words. Then he came straight for me. Not even a hint of really wanting to stay or talk with other people. Just to me, where he spun me around and helped me into my jacket. “Thanks.”
We were quiet as we made our way to his truck. There was a tension in the air. Not a bad one, but I could feel the space between us as if it was a physical thing. A question that was being asked and neither of us knew how we were going to answer yet.
“That was great,” I said. “As far as weddings go.”
“Definitely been to worse,” he said. “You have any stories that are really bad?”
“Oh my God,” I said. “Yes. So there were these two people my parents knew. Other rich families and their kids. This was basically an arranged marriage. I think they are actually happy now, but I don’t think that getting married was what they wanted at the time.
“I’m not joking. When they kissed, they banged teeth so hard, the entire church heard.”
“No,” Grant said.
I laughed. “Oh, yes. I’m not even sure they’d ever kissed before that. But it was awful. I felt so bad for them. What about you?”
“Well…” He rubbed a hand over his face with a laugh. “I was at one of those weddings that I thought were only in movies.”
“How so?”
He glanced over at me and grinned. “The officiant asked if anyone wanted to object, and some guy came running in, declaring his love for the bride and that he wanted her back.”
“Oh my God.”
“Yup.” He was laughing through his words now. “And the bride was not having it. She had all the groomsmen throw the guy out on his ass. Whole place clapped when he was gone.”
I shook my head. “Not that I would ever be in that position, but I don’t know what I would have done.”
“You would pick who you really wanted,” he said with a shrug. “That’s what she did.”
“Yeah, I guess so.”
We were pulling up to our houses now. Grant had helped me into the truck and shut the door. This time, I waited for him to come around, because I knew that he would. But as soon as he did, the air sizzled like a hot frying pan between us.
I wanted to invite him in, but I wasn’t sure that he’d say yes after last night. After telling me that he wanted to take it slow.
He helped me down from the truck and placed a hand on the small of my back, guiding me toward my house. “Walking me to the door? What a gentleman.”
I cringed internally. The nervousness was apparent in my voice. We made it all the way to the porch, and I turned to him.
Grant spoke before I could. “When I invited you to the wedding as neighbors so it would be less awkward…” His voice was quiet. “I meant it.”
“I know.”
In the dim darkness of the porch, he was in silhouette. The rest of his house, our trucks, were drenched in moonlight. He slipped his hands into his pockets. “When I told you that I want to kiss you, I meant that too.”
“God, I hope so.”
I felt more than saw his smile. “But I need you to know a couple of things.”
Breath was shallow in my chest. My entire body was frozen, because I was afraid if I moved, he’d walk away. That was the last thing I wanted.
“Joel has nothing to do with me wanting you. Not any of his actions. I’m not doing this for you to feel better or for pity. I’ve liked you for a long time, Cori.”
The breath that had been shallow was now entirely gone. “You have?”
“Yes.” He took a step closer. “And I like you too much for this to be a rebound. If I kiss you, I don’t want to stop.”
My stomach dropped in that way you felt it on a roller coaster. Pure anticipation.
“The breakup may have just happened,” I said. “But I’ve been realizing how long it was really over. And there’s nothing about you that I want to be a rebound. I know we said we’d take it slow, but—”
Grant leaned down and captured my lips with his. Warmth and the barest taste of whiskey. Everything froze, and then it thawed and we were moving toward each other.
I felt his kiss in every part of my body. It was slow and determined, but not shy. Grant pulled me firmly against him and tilted my head so he could kiss me that much deeper.
One single kiss and I was more turned on than I had been in years. Not only because Grant had become the star of my fantasies, but because the man could kiss. More. I needed more.
Breaking away, I looked up at him. “Come inside?”
His smile rested against my temple. “Inside isn’t slow.”
“No,” I said. “It’s not.”
Unlocking the door, I went inside, and Grant was only a step behind me.