Page 21 of The Blood Debt
But there is no scream.
No squeal, no shriek, nothing to wake me and bring me back to the surface.
My eyes burst open underwater, but the memory of the car crash doesn’t come to haunt me.
Instead, all I see are two beautiful hazel eyes, wistfully staring down at me, begging me to come get her.
I burst out from the water, gasping for air.
I thought the images would stop once I had her in my clutches.
Guess that won’t be the case.
I quickly wash off the dirt and blood and clean myself up before I jump out of the bath and dry myself off. Time to get dressed and claim what’s mine.
Chapter 7
* * *
Grabbing a knife from my kitchen, I head into the room she’s in. The moment her eyes find mine, they grow big and flick back and forth between me and the knife. Her panic is hard not to notice, making me pause halfway toward her. She crawls back in her net, cowering in the corner, far away from me. Something about the sight of her whimpering makes my cock twitch.
It never fucking does.
Not for anyone.
Except her.
Even when she wasn’t here, she’d awaken the beast inside me in my dreams. And now that she’s finally here, in the living flesh, I’ve wanted nothing more than to sink my teeth into her skin and my dick into her wet, velvet pussy.
But something about the look in her eyes stops me.
I take in a deep breath and approach her with careful steps, despite the sound of them being harsh and heavy. I can’t help my size, but I can help my aggression.
The closer I get, the more she flinches. “Stay away from me!”
I hold out the knife, but she continues to inch away.
“Don’t hurt me,” she says, and she squeezes her eyes closed as the knife enters the net.
But instead of poking her skin, I cut the rope, freeing her from the trap. Her eyes burst open in surprise, and she stares at me like a weak little lamb caught in the wolf’s jaws. But there’s still an inkling of resistance in her gaze as though she’s taunting me to see how far I’m willing to go to get what I want.
Good. I like her feisty.
When she shuffles forward, I point my knife at her throat, forcing her to stop. “Don’t. Move.”
She flinches, and her hair spills over her blouse, which has two buttons missing. My eyes are instantly drawn toward her chest and the plump tits barely hiding behind it. I instinctively trace a line down her neck with my knife as I can’t stop myself from inching closer and closer and closer to what’s been kept from me, what’s forbidden. And as it slips into the crevice between her tits, her breathing rises, and rises, and rises.
She sucks in a breath. “What do you want?”
A smirk forms on my lips. I’m surprised she’d ask when she already knows the answer. “You.”
“Then why are you keeping me in this room like a prisoner?”