Page 78 of The Blood Debt
One way.
“I’ll stay.”
The words come out in a simple breath, but they’re a sentence for life.
His eyes narrow, and he turns sideways as my grip on his hand tightens.
“You’ll stay …” he repeats.
I gaze at the ground, unable to look him in the eyes while I sign my own life away. “Yes.”
Liam turns to face me fully.
This was my last option. The failsafe when nothing else worked.
But is it enough?
Will he stop chasing after her?
“Why?” he growls. “You’ve tried to kill me over and over.”
“And I failed, over and over,” I reply, misery laced in my voice.
I failed to keep the only secret I vowed to keep.
And now, I must pay the price.
He throws me a look of suspicion. “Why should I trust your word?”
“Because she’s my sister … and I love her,” I respond, tears welling up in my eyes.
“You’re willing to give yourself to me to save your sister’s life?” he says through gritted teeth.
I look up into his darkened eyes. “It’s what you want, isn’t it? Me.”
His shoulders rise and fall with each deep breath he takes. “That girl should be dead.”
Dread fills my bones.
His lips part. “But …”
My eyes widen, and I hang on every word that flows out of his mouth.
His hand tightens into a fist. “You will do anything I want and everything I say.”
It feels as if the earth is caving in underneath my feet, but what other choice do I have but nod and say, “Yes.”
His lip twitches. “I won’t ever let you go. You understand?”
I nod and swallow away the lump in my throat.
Liam turns again and opens the door, saying, “Deal.”
My knees buckle, and I sink to the ground, unable to breathe.
I just signed my life away.
My freedom.