Page 41 of Mail Order Mom
Chapter 19
She was so close.
A swarm of flutter bugs swirled in his belly as he finished adjusting the khuts in one of the dispensing shafts.
Ever since he’d met her, Susanna had been in his thoughts incessantly. And by now, the woman had become an essential part of his existence. He’d caught himself talking to her in his mind, discussing his day and wondering what her answers would be.
“How are you doing there, Captain?” His Second-in-Command peeked into the wide shaft.
“Almost done.” He fixed the lever in the new position.
His crew included several skilled technicians and mechanics, but the higher officers weren’t afraid to get their hands dirty, too, if required. He and First Officer Qhax had calculated that the new setting would allow this part of the machinery to operate with more efficiency. He had to set it himself, precisely to the parameters they had determined.
He inspected his work. “Looks good. I’m ready to get out.” Climbing out of the shaft, he turned to Qhax. “Try it now.”
The first officer adjusted a dial on the control panel. One of the hundreds of conveyor belts jerked slightly, gradually increasing its speed. The clumps of minerals on it fell apart from the vibration of the movement. The fine powder was then fed into the dirt and folded into the red sand of the desert floor outside, along with fertile organic matter.
“So far, so good.” Qhax nodded.
“Let’s give the new setting a couple of days. We’ll evaluate the results then.”
“Great. I’ll take it from here, Captain.” Qhax winked at Xavran. “I’m sure you have better things to do now that your wife is here.”
His wife.
In his first marriage, that word was often associated with trouble, worries, and shame.
He’d hoped to feel nothing at all for his second wife, and it’d worked. In terms of emotions, Mara turned out to be exactly the spouse he’d been looking for. His second marriage was supposed to be just that—practical, unemotional, and convenient.
If it wasn’t for Susanna.
She’d turned all his plans upside down. In contrast to his carefully arranged marriage of convenience, she’d brought a whole storm of inconveniences. She was responsible for the chaos in his head and his body.
Yet he wouldn’t have it any other way.
She had become the mother he wanted for his children, but she also became so much for him. The anticipation of holding her in his arms added bounce to his step as he exited the dispensing room into the scorching hot air of the open lower deck.
A gust of wind blasted him with sand. A storm was coming from the desert. They were frequent here.
He raised the wide, soft collar of his coveralls to shield his face from another blast of sand, then glanced up to the landing deck that loomed high above.
The cargo airship must be finishing unloading and would depart soon. Enough time remained for it to leave safely before the storm would hit full force and make air travel in the area impossible.
The wind almost ripped the door handle out of his hands when he opened it. He stopped in the main control room to make sure the crozan was ready to weather the storm. All the windows had been shuttered, the open areas covered. Everyone was inside, except for the few crew members preparing the cargo airship for take-off.
For once, he didn’t mind staying inside during the storm. Today, he’d be weathering it with his family. Maybe he’d get a chance to take Susanna aside long enough to steal a kiss or two. Their video sessions had been wonderful, but they’d only whetted his appetite for her, making him wish for more.
Entering his suite, he opened the front of his coveralls. Sand sifted to the floor from the folds of the fabric. He’d worn his dress uniform to greet his family earlier but had to change into his work clothes before climbing down the dispensing shaft.
He wondered if Susanna would mind him getting her dirty, then smirked to himself at the thought of getting ‘dirty’ with her.
Soft humming and splashing came from the bathroom.
He wasn’t alone.
Toeing his shoes off, he padded barefoot toward the sound.
Someone was in his bathroom, sitting in the tub. He recognized the blond head leaning on the edge of the tub, the hair tied into a knot on the very top to keep them dry.
“Susanna!” Excitement burst through him.
“Oh...” She turned, looking a little surprised and so tantalizingly naked.
She didn’t wait for him to come and find her. She found him herself.
What a lucky man he was.
He rushed to her. “You’ve no idea how much I missed you.”
“Oh,” she exclaimed again as he sat on the edge of the tub at her side. She met his eyes, staring into them for a moment. “You really care about—” she blinked, “about me.”
He grinned. “I thought I’ve made it clear. On numerous occasions.”
She blew out a breath, then smiled, the familiar pair of dimples gracing her cheekbones.
“Well, I hope you don’t mind then that I invaded your space? It is a gorgeous suite you have here.”
Itching to touch her, he moved a lock of damp hair from her face. “Not at all. Do you know how long I’ve dreamed about having you in my space?”
“Aw, you’re so sweet.” She rose from the tub, climbing into his lap and drenching his clothes in the process.
He didn’t mind that, either.
“Come here,” she murmured, pressing herself to him. Her skin felt refreshingly cool against his bare chest in the opening of his coveralls. “Let’s get you out of this.” She yanked on the closures on his shoulders. “How does it work?”
Aldraian male clothing had no sleeves and was held at the shoulders by clasps. It was the most convenient style for the men of his species. The clusters of thick, short horns on their shoulders and hard bumps over their elbows made wearing sleeves impractical if not impossible.
“Let me...” He clicked the clasps open.
The top part of the coveralls dropped to his waist, stopped by his belt from falling any further. Dust rose in the air, sand shaking down to the floor.
“What a mess.” She wrinkled her nose, then gave him a sultry look. “Maybe you’ll join me in the tub? I’ll make sure it’ll be the best bath you’ve ever had.”
There certainly was enough space in the tub for both of them.
She took his head between her hands, leaning closer. Her eyelids dropped seductively. Her lips parted in invitation. This was the expression of a willing woman, yet something held him back.
Something was missing.
The warmth of affection he’d grown to love seeing in Susanna’s eyes wasn’t there. Passion used to burn so brightly in her blue eyes before, he’d seen it clearly even in the hologram image of the communication device.
Now, her eyes were...empty.
“What’s the matter?” She leaned back with a pout.
“Mara...” he exhaled.
The sound of his voice overlapped with the gasp coming from the door.
Susanna—his Susanna in her yellow summer dress—stood in the entrance to the bathroom.
Pleasure burst through him at the sight of her. Dread chilled him next as her slim eyebrows knotted into a frown.
He jumped to his feet. “Susanna!”
Mara slid from his lap, plopping back into the bath with a splash and a cry of protest.
Susanna bit her lip, fisting her hands at her sides.
“That’s enough,” she said, her voice firm and determined. Turning on her heel, she rushed out of the suite.
He couldn’t let her go. He simply could not lose this woman.
“Susanna! Wait!” He stomped after her.
With every step she took away from him, his chest squeezed tighter, making it harder and harder to breathe. She’d become a part of every aspect of his life, the glue that held his existence together. Without her, he’d be nothing but a pile of ruins, going through the motions without a spark.
He had to do everything it took to keep her. Everything.
He rushed through the covered hallway to her suite.