Page 18 of Take Me To Paradise
Fate.Kismet. Feelings. Coupling. All words I didn’t want to hear. Why couldn’t either of them see how much it wouldn’t work? No one wants to see people out in the wild acting different. The two of them weren’t thinking with their heads. They were operating from feelings and emotion.
I couldn’t imagine either of them in their big important business settings having some kind of business dinner where they introduced both of their partners. It wouldn’t happen. They’d feel the shame, eventually. Someone would make a comment or look at us the wrong way or judge—and it would be a slow destruction of what we have. It would start with only bringing one of us to events. And would eventually that discomfort would turn into shame. And shame would take down the whole thing.
Of the three of us, I was the one thinking this through logically. Yet the next morning when Rae and Leo held hands on the shuttle to the dock, it wasn’t logical that had my gut twisting. And logic didn’t make me feel better when Rae kissed me as I helped her step across the dock to the ship. It wasn’t logic that couldn’t resist rubbing up against her every time we found a private place to steal a few moments.
Logic wasn’t present when I jerked Leo to orgasm while we kissed like lovers on a sandbar in the middle of the ocean. It may have been what prompted me to give the captain the finger while he told us we had a schedule to keep and we needed to wrap it up. Logic certainly isn’t what spurred both Leo and me to feast on Rae’s pussy during our picnic on a private beach. To be honest, given the entire crew couldn’t miss what we were doing, I’d say logic had taken a total vacation and left us with lust in its place.
And that afternoon when we returned, it wasn’t logic that led them back to my hotel room, laid the two of them down in my bed, and made love to them.