Page 8 of The Partner Dilemma
Chapter Seven
The first thing that hits me is the smell. I can’t put my finger on it, but it reminds me of my mom, of something she used to cook when I was growing up before cancer took her from us. The second thing that hits me is the sight of Skye.
She is still only wearing one of my t-shirts, but from where I stand, all I can see is the curve of her ass as she bends to take something out of the oven. She places the hot item on the counter and turns before giving a little scream and clutching her hands to her chest. She stares at us before smiling brightly.
“You scared me,” she says. “But I’m so glad you’re all back. Come on before it gets cold.” She beckons with her hand before moving back to what she was busy with.
We all stay rooted to the spot for long seconds before following after her. Something is going on, and we need to figure it out. But what we find in the kitchen is not at all what we were expecting.
On the table where we sat earlier, explaining things to Skye, is a massive amount of food. It looks like she might be preparing to feed an entire battalion. Chicken, bread rolls, salad, potatoes, and at least three other side dishes.
Skye stands nervously beside the table, eyes downcast, twisting the bottom of my t-shirt in her hands. I wonder if she knows she is showing off her panty-covered pussy. I doubt it, she just seems nervous.
“I made some dinner,” Skye says quietly. “I hope you don’t mind.”
Clearing my throat, I step toward her.
“Not at all, Skye. Thank you.” Taking her hands in mine, I loosen the grip she has on the shirt and pull her toward one of the seats. “Sit with us.”
Skye nods and sits down in the chair I pulled out for her. My gaze strays to Blaine and Deklan, both of them standing as still as statues. Our gazes lock, and I gesture with my head, getting them to finally move their asses. None of us speak while we all dish up food, but the silence isn’t stifling. There’s a comfort to it, like we are all in the right place at the right time.
Deklan is the first to speak. “This is delicious, Skye.”
“Thank you,” she replies, a light blush covering her cheeks. “I love cooking.”
“Well, it’s a great thing we love to eat.” Blaine chuckles. “But we might need to hit the gym more often because you’re going to make us fat with this food.”
Skye smiles brightly at Blaine before her gaze travels to the rest of us. She looks happier than she was earlier.