Page 7 of Queen of Hearts
I watch her body fall to the ground and it’s like my world moves in slow motion. Her eyes close as her head hits the rug and I know without a doubt that she’ll never open them again. She’s gone.
“Rosie!” my father screams and there’s something about the desperation in his voice that snaps me out of my stupor. I need to get away. If I survive, I can make them pay for this. I can come back for him… I can try… I can fight… I can…
I’ve never moved so fast in my life. I run. I run until I don’t know where I am. Until my feet bleed. Until I can’t move another step.
I never even saw his body land on the floor beside my mother’s.
I never even said goodbye.
Don’t be dead, I sob.
Even though I know he is.