Page 27 of Boyfriend Goals
“You’ll have to tell me about it sometime, but first I’d like to go grocery shopping and to tell you about my day.”
I chuckled, almost teased him about him thinking he’s more important, but I really cared more about his day than talking about my past anyway. “Let’s do it, then. We need to get some food in the house before you get hangry on me.”
“You joke now, but you won’t once you see it,” he said playfully. I liked it when he joked around.
Milo picked up his bag and slung it over his shoulder. He locked up, and then we were in my truck, making our way to the one and only grocery store on Little Beach Island.
“Do you have a Costco?” he asked.
“Not here. On the mainland, of course.”
“Maybe we can go sometime.”
“Sure.” He was quiet for a minute until I prodded, “So…your day?”
“Oh. I walked over to Gene’s house. The second he opened the door, he knew who I was. And not just because I was a random new guy in town. I asked him. He said it’s because I reminded him of Wilma Allen…and that I look like her…and she apparently stalked me on the internet, which clearly is a possibility with social media, but it still makes me second-guess my Instagram account. Probably not enough to delete it.”
Color me surprised. “What? I’m shocked. I didn’t expect you to be one of those guys.”
“One of what guys? There are hot men on Instagram! I follow a lot of them. There are butts there, Gideon. Lots and lots of butts.”
A loud laugh jumped out of my mouth so spontaneously, I nearly startled my own damn self. “And apparently you like butts.”
“Doesn’t everyone?”
“Good point. If they’re smart, they do. Now the really important question is, do you show your ass on Instagram? If so, I’m gonna need that handle stat.”
He laughed, then frowned. “Are you joking or not?”
“I’m one hundred percent not joking…unless that makes you uncomfortable because I would never want that…and I would never look at your naked ass without permission.”
“Oh, well, if you ever want to, you can ask. It’s not online, though. I’m not sure I’m brave enough to let strange men look at me naked.”
But he would let me. Stop it! There was no denying I was attracted to him, but I really fucking valued his friendship already. I didn’t have the best track record when it came to men, and I didn’t want to fuck this up, so I needed to curb that line of thinking. “Maybe we should talk about Wilma and Gene again.”
“Oh. Yes! I forgot. It was really cool talking to him. I only stayed a few minutes, and I didn’t go inside. He didn’t tell me much, but he would have. At first I thought I wanted the whole story, but I don’t think I’m ready. And it feels uncomfortable knowing before my own mom. It’s heavy and feels like a lot. I don’t know if that’s just a me thing or not.”
“No. I don’t think it’s a you thing,” I said, reaching over and placing my hand on his nape. It wasn’t the typical kind of affection for me to offer, and the second I did it, I almost jerked my hand back. Before I could, his gaze snapped to mine, and it was as if the static in the air sizzled and popped inside me. It was maybe the most ridiculous thing I had ever thought. I wasn’t that kind of guy who thought stuff like feeling electricity between people and shit like that, but when he gave me a small smile, I couldn’t help but return it.
“You have pretty eyes, but I really think you should look at the road now. My pulse is going a little too fast.”
I pulled my hand back and faced the road.
“I don’t always like to be touched if I don’t know beforehand, but that was fine.”
Shit. “I’m sorry.”
“No, it’s okay. I liked it.”
Oh…well when he put it that way…
“Good.” We were quiet until I parked and killed the engine.
“Thank you, Gideon. For being my friend,” Milo said.
“Nothing to thank me for.”
I should be the one thanking him.
Gideon and I had been roommates for two weeks and one day. So far, he had only annoyed me once…maybe twice. He hadn’t said if I’d annoyed him. I’d put a whiteboard on the fridge for us to use if we ran out of something—that way the other person knew before they made a plan to eat something they couldn’t. Also if we went to the store without each other, we knew what we were out of.
I did take a car service a couple of times, and once I even went with Rachel. I didn’t want Gideon to feel like he had to take care of me or anything, because he didn’t, but as much as I liked Rachel, I wasn’t a fan of the grocery store with her. It was much better with Gideon.