Page 66 of Boyfriend Goals
“Mom?” he questioned.
My gaze darted up, and yes, there was a woman standing there in the middle of the bookstore.
“You forgot to put the closed sign up or lock the door,” was all she said seconds before her tight stare landed on me.
I looked back at the bathroom door, then at Mom, and my face caught fire, embarrassment feeling like it was burning the flesh off it.
I’d just had sex…in the bathroom…when Mom was in my bookstore, the store anyone else could have come into because we’d forgotten to lock the door.
Did she know? Did we smell like sex, or had she heard us? Because we hadn’t been quiet. Now that I knew what it was like to have sex, I understood why people were so loud about it.
“Hi. Ms. Copeland. I’m Gideon. It’s nice to finally meet you.” He stepped forward and held his hand out for Mom. She looked at it but didn’t move, which confirmed she likely knew what we’d been doing in there.
“Oh God. We washed our hands, Mom.” It was super embarrassing, but what was the point in trying to hide it?
“Milo!” Mom gasped in unison with Gideon’s, “Ah, shit.”
“Well, we did. I didn’t want you to think we would have sex and then come out here dirty. Also, Gideon didn’t have his fingers in—”
“We’re so sorry this happened!” Gideon cut me off.
“That was crude, Milo.”
“It was honest. You know I’m always honest.” I didn’t know why she expected me to be any different now. Just because it had to do with sex? “What are you doing here?”
She flinched, and while I sometimes struggled to read other people, I didn’t when it came to Mom.
“I didn’t mean for that to sound like I’m not happy to see you, because I am. I’m just surprised, is all.”
“Clearly,” she replied. “You said you and Mr.…”
“Barlow,” Gideon filled in. “But please, call me Gideon.”
“You said you and Mr. Barlow were just friends,” she finished.
“You did that on purpose. You know I don’t like it when people call me something I’m uncomfortable with. Why would you do it to Gideon?” She was being rude to him for no reason. He didn’t deserve that.
“It’s fine, Lo,” Gideon soothed.
“No.” I shook my head. “It’s not.” I turned to Mom, and I could see the regret in her eyes. I could also see the steel will she had trying to take over. “We were just friends, but now we’re friends and boyfriends—that’s a lot of uses of the word friends, but we’re both. That’s what we decided.” I reached over and grabbed Gideon’s hand, but his arm was slightly stiff. I frowned. Looked at him. “Did you change your mind?” Leave it to me to only get a boyfriend for two seconds.
“What? No. I want to be with you. I’m just trying to tread carefully in a delicate situation.” Gideon gave his attention to my mom. “I, um…I’m sorry we had to meet this way, but your son, he’s very important to me and—”
“Then maybe don’t have sex with him in public.” Mom gave him a look that had scared many people before him.
“I’m the one who took him to the bathroom,” I said.
“I understand your concern, but frankly, where Milo and I choose to do anything has nothing to do with you.”
Oh shit. I should have known Gideon wouldn’t back down to her. It was the kind of man he was.
“Milo is my son.”
“Milo is a grown man,” Gideon countered.
“Milo is right here and doesn’t appreciate being spoken about as if he isn’t or doesn’t have any say himself,” I added.
“I’d like to talk with you alone,” she said to me, but I shook my head.
“Not if it has to do with Gideon. He’s my boyfriend. I know that comes as a surprise to you, and you probably didn’t think I would ever have this, but—”
“I didn’t think that. Do you really believe there’s anything I want more than your happiness?” Mom’s voice was softer, more vulnerable than usual.
“No, I know you want me happy.” But she still didn’t think I would ever find someone. I didn’t think I would ever find someone either.
“It’s okay,” Gideon told me. “I’ll go for a walk. I’m sure the two of you have some catching up to do.”
It was late, and I just wanted to go upstairs and climb into bed with him, but I knew he was right.
Gideon leaned in, kissing my cheek before his mouth trailed close to my ear. His voice was low when he said, “She can stay with us if you want. Your choice.” I nodded, missing his touch when he let go of me. “I have my key. I’ll lock the door behind me.”
When he was gone, Mom said, “Oh, Milo.”
“He’s very cute, isn’t he?”
She bit back a small smile. Mom was tough as nails. She wasn’t afraid of anyone, and people feared her, but I didn’t.