Page 5 of Paying Daddy's Debt
“I said I’m Ash Carpenter. Can I come in?”
He doesn’t answer but steps back and pushes the door open. I walk in and look around at the bare place. He’s probably sold everything that’s not nailed down to feed his addictions.
“Listen I don’t know—”
I raise my hand, and he stops talking. I want to get straight to the point. No reason to pussyfoot around it. I’m here for her and nothing else.
“You’ve got a laundry list of debt on every street corner of this city.” I reach into my suit pocket and pull out a stack of papers and drop them on the table. “This is everyone you owe so much as a nickel to, and believe me, they want to collect.”
“Who the fuck are you? Why are you here?” His face is red with anger and shame. No man likes another in their house calling them on their shit.
I watch his fists clench at his sides, but he’s a weak man and I’m twice his size. There’s nothing he could do to physically threaten me and we both know it.
“You’ve gambled away more than you’ll ever be able to pay back. Not even if you live to be three hundred. But I have the financial means to make it all go away, and it’s hardly a drop in the bucket for me.”
I watch his throat move as he swallows but doesn’t speak. Interest is clear in his eyes.
“You may be asking yourself why I would do this, and there’s only one reason. You’ve got something I want, Mr. Gold. Something I need you to give me.”
“I don’t have anything,” he says through gritted teeth and shakes his head. How could he not remember the one precious thing he has? Goes to show how undeserving of her he.
“Oh, but you do.” I say, taking a step closer. “Something far more valuable than you realize.”
It takes him a moment, but I see it dawn on him a second later.
“Jasmine?” he asks, confusion clear on his voice.
“See? Deep down you know how precious she is. And I want her.” I’ll have her. I don’t say that part out loud.
It makes my stomach churn to see him think this over. He didn’t immediately deny me what I want, which makes me believe he hasn’t considered her a commodity before. Will he now that I’ve presented an offer? My research told me almost no one knows she exists. Which is probably why she hasn’t been used as leverage. Or worse, payment. But I also don’t think his debts have ever been this bad before. There is a price on his head now, and from the marks on his face, I’m guessing someone already tried to claim that price. Men like him will always choose their own life over anyone else’s, even their own daughter, which is why I feel no guilt taking her from him.
“What do you want with her?” he finally asks. I note that he hasn’t said no.
“I want a moment alone with her. Then, depending on what she decides, we can proceed.”
“You want to be alone with her? For how long?” So the negotiations begin, but I truly believe he is going to let me have what I ask for. This show he is putting on is more for his own conscience.
“A few minutes. Enough for me to explain what I want and for her to decide.”
“What are you going to do to her?” He looks flushed again. Like he’s ashamed to consider what I might do.
He’s a solid piece of shit, but at least he’s asking questions instead of sending me in there to her. I can’t imagine any father allowing this conversation to even begin. But he is, and it makes my heart ache for the dark-haired beauty who’s caught my eye.
“I’m going to talk to her. And when she decides what she wants her future to be, I’ll leave.” I don’t mention that she’ll be on my arm when she does it.
“And if I say no?”
“Then I’ll leave. But my offer leaves with me.”
I’ve already got plans to do this without him, but it would be easier if he handed her over. This way, there’s no coming back and knocking on my door, trying to change the deal. If this is all done the way I want it to, then it will all be over soon.
“You’ll talk to her. And then pay off all my debts?” He looks down to the papers, probably trying to calculate how much he owes.
“Yes. I want to talk to Jasmine.” I keep saying her name because I love the way it sounds in my mouth. “And once I’m finished, I’ll take care of all your debts. No matter what she decides.”
There is no way she’s not coming home with me, so my words are empty.