Page 49 of Collateral Damage
Saeed looks at Carys. “You had so much potential. You really did. Usually, I don’t keep girls this long. As soon as I find out a girl isn’t a virgin, I have her chopped up for shark food. But you, you were different. Your spunk, your hope, your everything.”
Carys struggles against the bodyguard’s hold.
“But then,” Saeed continues, sucking air between his teeth. “I noticed that Garrett was different with you. His posture, his eyes, everything. I’m a very powerful man and didn’t get that way without learning how to read people. For three years, my trusted Garrett did as I instructed. He never flinched. But then you came, and everything was different. And that I can’t tolerate.”
He looks at Garrett. “Did you fuck her? When you came back from letting her see the stars. Did you fuck her?”
Garrett looks sick. “No.” His words tear from him with indignation.
“It doesn’t matter. I want you both to suffer. I want you to see the stars and know this is the very last time she’s going to see them. Not in the beautifully peaceful way she saw them last night. And that, Garrett, is on you.”
Carys starts screaming again, but this time the sound is a keening, primal sound deep from within her as she realizes she is going to die.
I’m going to fucking throw up. “Hey man, just hand over the girl, and we’ll walk away. No issue, you have the means to get out of here and disappear.”
Saeed looks at me, and I see the evil in his eyes then. “Do you think I give a shit? I have everything, and when you have everything, you have nothing to look forward to. This is just a game to me. Do you think I’m going to pass up the chance to see Garrett go out of his mind knowing he killed her as surely as if he put a bullet in her because he cared?”
Saeed moves his shimmering silver jacket to the side and removes a gun from his belt. Without hesitation, he fires his weapon, putting a bullet in Garrett’s torso. Carys screams, and the sound is terrifying. Pins and needles shoot all over my body, and my hair stands on end. I know I’ll never get the sound of her screams out of my head.
“Apologies for the bad information,” Saeed grins. “I thought it would be better watching Carys suffer. So young, so naïve.”
She struggles against her captor’s hold. Saeed nods his head and they let her go. The goon lets her go, and she crawls over to Garrett and falls to the ground, gathering him in her arms. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
Garrett raises his hand and wipes down her cheek, trying in vain to stem her tears. Blood from where the bullet entered his stomach streaks down her chin or cheek. “Not… your… fault.”
“That’s not entirely true,” Saeed states. “Lorenzo is a good business friend of mine. He told me about his threat to your father. When your father refused to go along with his demands, I told him I’d purchase you only if you were a virgin, and I was assured you were. But…” He takes out a cigarette and lights it. “We all know that’s not true. That said, you also showed me who I could trust and not. Garrett is a not. I should thank you. I was wondering if I should keep you alive to allow your sins to haunt you for the rest of your life, but since you outed a mole, I’ll have mercy.”
He raises his gun and shoots her between her eyes. Her head jerks back, and she falls to the ground.
Chaos erupts as bullets fly from all directions. I guess Carys’s screams did alert the rest of the team. This distracts the guy holding my arms, and I break free. Spinning around, I punch the guy holding me in the throat. He goes down, and I grab his gun, shooting him in the chest, then turning my weapon on Saeed, emptying the gun into his torso. His cigarette falls from his lips and rolls across the deck. Someone on the staircase shoots the guy holding Harry and his other guard.
I rush over to Garrett, hoping he's still alive, but he’s not.
I radio in, and it feels like a lifetime before the helicopter arrives. After that, everything is a blur as I insist they take Carys and Garrett’s bodies back with them first and come back for us.
My phone rings and I answer. “Sir?”
“What the hell is going on there, Captain?”
“Sir, the mission failed. Miss McNamara is dead. So is Ewing.”
“Dammit.” He keeps quiet for a while. “I’ll call Judge McNamara.”
“Sir, I’d like to do it.”
“Very well.”
I dial the number Emerly used to call me the previous evening.
“Captain? Do you have her?”
“Your honor, I’m afraid I have bad news.”
I don’t get through the rest of what I have to say before the judge breaks down. It’s a sound I never want to hear again. The sound of a man dying inside while his heart and other organs keep him alive and trapped in his pain.