Page 7 of Everything About You
It wasn’t like I was picky. I just needed flexible hours and some cash in my pocket.
“Hey,” I greeted Tate under my breath, hoping Dr. Louden couldn’t hear me. I added my signature smile.
“Hey,” he greeted back, that unruly thick lock of dark hair falling across his forehead as he reached into his overstuffed backpack on the floor at his feet to get out what he needed for class.
While you’re down there…
I bit back that suggestion and instead asked, “Did you get the assigned reading done?” when he sat back in his chair. Because, of course, I was lame like that.
He held out a pack of gum to me. I shook my head. He shrugged, slid out a piece, unwrapped it and popped it in his mouth.
Yes, I admit it, I watched every damn move.
As he began to chew, I also watched his lips, wondering how they would feel moving against mine.
Holy shit, I might as well have “stalker” tattooed onto my forehead, too.
“Only half of it,” Tate whispered, keeping one cautious eye on Dr. Louden as he droned on at the lectern. “You?”
“Half?” I asked too loudly, causing the professor to clear his throat at my outburst. I waited until Louden once again got caught up in his lecture before asking in a whisper, “Besides being late, is that also the reason you’re retaking this class?”
Tate jerked up one shoulder in a sloppy shrug. Those broad shoulders were covered in an old Foo Fighters T-shirt. I said a silent thank you with how snug it fit him.
He also wore a pair of worn jeans with a tear above his right knee. I was tempted to slide my finger into that hole to touch the skin beneath it, as well as pet the short dark hairs that were in view.
I refrained since I didn’t want to be arrested for assault. Not only would that screw up my much-needed scholarship, but I’d have an arrest record and, not to mention, I couldn’t afford bail.
So, those were reasons why, besides the biggest one of consent, I kept my fingers to myself.
Shame, really.
“I’ll take that as a yes,” I said when he didn’t answer right away. I needed to distract myself from that damn gaping hole calling out to me like an open invitation.
“I need the credits.”
“Why don’t you just take something else instead?”
“It’s a required course for me. Otherwise, I won’t graduate.”
His leg shifted and, damn it, once again I was drawn to that tempting peek of flesh just out of my reach. I forced my eyes back up to his face, only pausing for a second on his pebbled nipples that were pressed through the soft cotton of his shirt. “Here’s a valuable hint then… besides getting your ass to class on time, you might want to do the assigned work.”
“I’m trying to do better.”
“What’s your major?”
“Journalism. Yours?”
Journalism? That sounded dope.
“Undecided.” No, I wasn’t proud of that answer, but I’d figure it out soon. Hopefully. I had the next four years to figure out my future. It didn’t need to be cemented in the first semester.
“How much does one make a year in that career?”
Holy shit. I pinned my lips together to contain my laugh. The hot hunk had a sense of humor. Could this man get any more perfect? “Decidedly not much.”
“I haven’t seen you around on campus before.”
I raised both eyebrows. Was I that forgettable? “I’ve been sitting near you for the last two classes and I helped you pick up your stuff in the hallway the other day, remember?”
Tate grimaced. “Hard to forget that and I appreciate your help. But I meant before that unfortunately unforgettable moment. Are you a freshman?”
“Well… I am a man and, just a warning, I do tend to get fresh.”
A laugh burst from Tate before he could wrangle it into an awkward cough. I bugged my eyes out at him in warning.
“Everything okay up there, gentlemen? Is something funny, Mr. Harris?”
Shit. Busted.
“No, sir. I’m sorry. Something got caught in my throat.” Tate faked coughed again and slapped a hand to his chest.
I wished it was me caught in his throat.
“Are you sure there isn’t a problem, gentlemen? If I’m boring you and since this is the second time you’re taking this class, Mr. Harris, you should be able to come down and teach it as well as I can.”
“Fuck,” Tate muttered under his breath.
“Do it,” I encouraged him with an elbow to his ribs.
He jerked away from me, a blush rising into his cheeks.
Damn. I could stare at him all day.
“I wouldn’t do the subject matter justice like you do, Dr. Louden.”
Kiss ass. I tipped my head down to hide my face and made a soft kissing sound.
That got me a shot in the ribs with an elbow.
I hid my grin when Dr. Louden stared up at us all the way in the back row for far too long. A clock ticked in my head as we waited to see if he’d kick us out for causing a ruckus.