Page 10 of Mob Boss
“Not in so many words but I’m not dumb.”
“I can’t marry Ivana. I want to marry Camila and be a father to my son.” My voice got rough with emotion.
Antonio moved his chair closer to me. "I shouldn't do this because marrying Ivana is good for business and I'm going to have to pay her father a shit-ton of money to break the engagement." He paused and I swore I saw tears in my brother's eyes. The only time I'd ever seen him cry was when our dog died when we were kids and he got emotional when our parents died. Otherwise, he was usually stone-faced, showing little to no emotion.
“Are you okay?”
He shook his head. “You scared me you mother-fucker. I thought I lost you.”
I swallowed the lump on my throat that was starting to form. “You can’t lose me. I’m too mean to die.”
He rolled his eyes and laughed, breaking the tension in the room. “Right.”
“Do you want me to tell Ivana I’m not marrying her? I can.” I didn’t want to tell him how much pleasure it would be to tell Ivana I wasn’t marrying her. That girl had a stick so far up her ass, I’m surprised it didn’t come out of the top of her head.
Antonio stood up and shook his head. “No, that’s okay. I got it. After I tell her, I’ll call her father and smooth that over before she can go crying to him. Then I will call Camila’s dad.”
“Thank you. So I really have your blessing to be with Camila?”
“Yes, Marco. In fact, I’ll send her in right now.” He turned to leave and before he opened the door, I called out to him.
“Hey big brother! Thank you.”
He smiled and nodded, opening the door. He closed it behind him and soon I could hear some shouting and yelling coming from outside of my room. I think I eventually I even heard Camila’s voice. I almost felt sorry for Ivana if she was having to deal with Camila’s wrath.
Finally it got quiet and the door opened. Camila flew at me, stopping when she got to the bed.
She was a sight for sore eyes. I swore she was wearing the same thing she had been when I picked her up from her father’s. Her long hair was up in a messy bun and she wasn’t wearing any make up.
She still looked gorgeous to me and I couldn’t wait to tell her the good news.