Page 4 of Mob Boss
Chapter Four ~ Camila
There he was. After all of these years, Marco Bravo was standing right in front of me.
I knew there would be a chance I might see him today, but I’d hoped that a cartel boss would have more important things to do than come to my mother’s funeral.
“Hi, Camila. I’m sorry about your mother.” He took my hand and squeezed it extra long, leaning in to kiss my cheek.
“Thank you, Marco.” I froze, standing there with my hand in his.
“Yes, we’re so sorry to hear about your mother.”
A woman's voice broke the trance, and I glanced at the beautiful woman standing at Marco's side. But, of course, he wasn't single anymore. I'd heard rumors of his engagement.
“Camila, this is Ivana.”
"His finance." She added, and I glanced at Marco. He didn't smile or show any emotion, telling me he wasn't excited about Ivana, and this was arranged. But, of course, I always knew he'd end up with someone that could help the cartel, so I wasn't surprised. However, that didn't mean I liked it.
"Who's the little guy?" Marco asked, turning the attention off of himself and towards my son, who I held in my arms.
I swallowed hard and turned to my son with a smile. "This is Liam. My son."
Marco's eyes darkened, and he nodded. "Again, sorry for your loss." He put his hand on the small of Ivana's back and moved to my brother next in line.
I blinked back tears and went to my father. "I'm sorry, I need to use the restroom. I'll be right back." I handed Liam to my sister-in-law and booked it out of the church.
I found the bathroom and went into the stall, slamming the door and leaning against it. I closed my eyes and sighed. Dealing with the death of my mother had been hard. She was diagnosed with breast cancer six months ago, but she never had a chance. She went quickly. My father was devastated and lost without her.
I kept telling myself that seeing Marco wouldn’t be a big deal. That the one night we had together didn’t mean anything.
But seeing him had been a big deal. And not telling him Antonio was his son was an even bigger deal.
I didn't see or talk to Marco after that night together at the wedding. My father had mentioned some stuff going on in the cartel that had everyone on edge and kept everyone busier than usual. He was hardly home for months; I could only imagine how busy it kept Marco.
Then I started feeling sick. I couldn't keep food down, and I was tired. My mother swore I had mono, but I found out I was pregnant when she took me to the doctor.
I wanted to tell Marco, but I had no way to get to him. So my father kept me home, not letting me out of the house. Then, finally, he and my mother decided to send me away to Italy to have the baby there and stay with family.
They asked me repeatedly who the father was, but I would never tell them, infuriating my father even more. I didn't know the ramifications of being pregnant with Marco Bravo's baby, but I didn't want to find out.
None of it matters anymore. Marco is engaged, and once everything is settled here after the funeral, I'm going back to Italy. I've built a nice life there for Antonio and myself, and I couldn't wait to get back to it.
I had to get my shit together and get back into the church to join my family. Today was about my mom, not about my hang-ups with Marco Bravo.
I washed my hands and smoothed my hair with my hands. Then, as I exited the bathroom, I ran right into someone - Marco!
"I'm sorry," I muttered and started to hurry away, but he grabbed my arm.
"Camila, wait." I looked down at his hand on my arm, and he quickly let it go. "Sorry."
"Do you need something, Marco?" Being alone with him and standing this close gave me flashbacks to that night in the coatroom, and I found myself getting warm.
He opened his mouth and then closed it, shaking his head. “So you’re a mom now?”
"Yes." I nodded, offering as little information as possible. I prayed he didn't notice how much Antonio looked like him. The older he got, the more I saw the resemblance.
“Is his father here?”
Fuck. My hands started shaking, and I prayed Marco didn't notice when I tucked my hair behind my ear.
"He couldn't make it. But, look, I have to get back to my family." I didn't wait for him to answer, walking back to my son and the rest of my family.
The rest of the day was a blur. The service for my mom was beautiful, and I couldn't believe she was gone. Even though I was away in Italy, we had remained close, talking on the phone. She would often come to Italy to visit Liam and me. I almost confessed who his father was a few times, but I didn't want to put her in the middle with my dad. I was going to miss her so much.
I caught Marco looking at me a few more times after the service. He didn't look thrilled with me, but I had no idea why. He was engaged now and starting a whole new life. Soon, he and Ivana would have children.
The idea of Marco with Ivana and starting a family shattered my heart into a million tiny pieces. In my darkest hours alone in Italy, I would dream of Marco, Antonio, and me as a family.
We only had that one night, but I had to admit I'd fallen hard and fast for Marco Bravo. But guys like Marco Bravo don't end up with girls they have flings with them in a coatroom.