Page 8 of Mob Boss
Chapter Eight ~ Camila
It had been three long years since I’d last slept with Marco, but the minute he entered me, it felt perfect. It was better than I remembered.
I’d dreamed about it so many nights when I was alone in Italy, but never thought it would happen again. Yet here he was, on top of me and inside of me at his penthouse.
Coming home for my mother’s funeral had opened a can of worms and the two of us had a messy road ahead of us, but right now, I didn’t care. All I cared about was how good he felt when he tilted his hips like that and hit the spot inside of me and my clit just right.
“Come all over my cock, Camila. I want to feel you.” Sweat had formed on his forehead and I reached up to brush his hair back. Marco was always so cool and collected, I loved that I got to see this side of him.
He began to move faster, moving a hand between us to finger my clit. My release built in my belly and I kept tumbling closer to the edge. He pinched my sensitive bud and I cried out as my orgasm consumed me, feeling it all the way down to my toes.
He pounded into me a couple more times before throwing his head back with his own release. I swore I could feel the streams of cum inside of me.
Marco stroked my face and pressed his forehead to mine. “You weren’t kidding about Liam not waking up.”
I chuckled. “That kid can sleep through anything. Does he get that from you?”
He smiled and laid down next to me on the couch, gathering me into his arms. He pulled the throw off the back of it and covered us up as I put my head on his chest.
Neither of us said a word for a few minutes, reveling in the afterglow of our lovemaking.
“What are you going to do, Marco?” I asked, propping myself up on my hand, my elbow on his chest.
He stroked my arm and shook his head. "I honestly don't know, Camila. I know I want to be with you and Liam. I can't marry Ivana. But my brother is going to be furious." He scrubbed his face with his hand and sighed.
I could see the pain in his eyes and knew he was torn. I didn’t want to do that to him. I didn’t want to be the cause of any trouble between his brother and him.
“I can make this easy and go back to Italy.” I didn’t want to, but that would be the easiest solution for us all.
“Don’t you dare, Camila.” His brow furrowed. “If you left me again, I would hunt you down to the ends of the earth and drag you back here by your hair if I had to. I’ll figure it out.” He yawned. “But tonight, I want you in my bed. I’ll take care of it tomorrow.”
We made a makeshift bed for Liam in Marco's walk-in closet. He would be comfortable in there and close enough to hear if he woke up, but we could have some privacy.
I sat in bed, watching Marco stare at his sleeping son and my heart swelled in my chest. I had been silly to think he wouldn’t want to be a father to Liam. He finally shut the door and joined me in bed.
We slept a little bit but we spent most of the night making love in Liam’s bed. We even made our way to the shower before falling asleep in each other’s arms, exhausted.
When I woke up the next morning, Marco was gone. A couple of his men were around in the living room along with a note that he’d gone to talk to Antonio and we should wait there for him.
My nerves went into overdrive. What if Antonio wouldn’t give Marco and me his blessing? Last night Marco said he would choose me but Antonio was the head of the cartel and he could be very persuasive.
I carried my phone around me, trying to distract myself playing with Antonio and making a list of things we would need at his place. I managed to find some eggs and bread to make breakfast, but he didn't exactly have a family-friendly penthouse.
Around ten, one of the men took a phone call and walked out of the penthouse in a hurry. I didn’t think too much of it until he came in and whispered something to the other one. They both headed towards the door but I ran in front of them.
“What’s wrong? Is it Marco? Is he ok?”
They looked at each other and my heart sank. “Tell me!” I all but screamed at them.
“Marco was shot this morning.”
My eyes filled with tears and my hands started shaking. “Is he dead?”
“I don’t think so. We have find out who did this though. I think he’s at the hospital.”
“I need someone to take me there now.” I started to slip on my tennis shoes that had been left by the door. I would grab Liam and we would go.
“Ma’am, we can’t do that.”
I put my hands on my hips. One of you - or someone else - is going to take me that hospital or I swear to god I will get you fired or worse. I’m not fucking around here. You guys know who my father is and I’m at Marco’s penthouse for fuck’s sake. I think you know I’m not joking around.”
“Fine. We will get someone to take you. Let me make a call.”
While he called someone, I gathered together some stuff for Liam and by the time I was done, he told me a car was outside.
The elevator seemed to take forever. I tried to stay cool for Liam’s sake, but inside I was freaking out. I finally got Marco back, I couldn’t lose him now.