Page 39 of Pushing the Limit
Acrash jolts me awake. I sit up in my bed, easing Dash’s arm off me. He doesn’t even stir. Advantages of being young: you can sleep through anything.
I get out of bed and pull on some clothes, not wanting to go investigate in the nude. I think I’ve shown this little trailer park enough nudity for tonight.
Another noise puts me on high alert. Grabbing my Glock from my bedside table, I hold it down in front of me and go in search of the noise. I hear the faint sound of cursing and peek out my window. Officer Whitfield. Shit. He’s smashing Dash’s bike.
I rush outside, hell-bent on putting a stop to what he’s doing. He’s an officer of the law out here in my yard, vandalizing my man’s bike.
“Stop! What are you doing?” I scream.
When he faces me, it’s obvious he’s had way too much to drink. He stumbles around, his eyes bloodshot under the streetlight. And, well, a bottle of whiskey in one hand, his baton in the other.
“Get off my property!” I yell, raising my gun as I ease toward him. Officer or not, I will put a bullet in him if he doesn’t leave.
He laughs at me, taking a swig from his bottle. “You bitch! You and all those other whores! You’re all liars! You are all lying, fucking cunts!”
“I don’t know what you’re referring to,” I say calmly. “You need to leave right now.”
He points the baton at me as he backs toward his squad car. “You think I don’t know what all of you do? Are you really willing to go down for that club? Those Bastards? Because I will find Dean. And I will burn you all to the ground.”
When he opens the door, I start back toward the trailer, figuring he’s giving up. A drunk officer in his squad car committing a crime doesn’t bode well for him.
But he doesn’t leave. The force in which he slams into me, knocks me to the ground, my gun slipping from my grasp.
“I watched you,” he hisses into my ear. “You were begging for it. Begging for that biker dickhead to fuck you right here. Would you like it as much from me?”
He claws at my loose-fitting T-shirt, ripping the back of it. I struggle and fight, kicking my legs despite his weight on them. My screams are muffled by the grass as he shoves my face into the ground.
“Oh yeah, you’re going to love this, you bitch. And when I’m done with you, I’ll share you with my friends.”
He easily pulls my pajama pants down, and I scream so hard it burns my throat. This police officer is about to rape me. Right here at my home. Right where I live. And there is nothing I can do about it.