Page 6 of Vanquished
Chapter Five
Delilah walked into her hotel room after seeing Francesca home and immediately went to her trunk. She opened the lid and started to gather her clothes to dump them inside. Most of the time she folded them neatly, but at the moment, she just wanted to leave this place.
Don’t lie to yourself. You’re just trying escapehim and how he makes you feel.
She tied a gag around that irritating voice, just as she was interrupted by a knock at her door. She mumbled beneath her breath, but cautiously opened it.
“Delilah, what on earth?” Her father laughed on the other side. “You peeked into the hall as though I was someone from Bow Street coming to arrest you.” He shook his head at his own humor, but Delilah remained silent as she shut the door. In truth, she was half expecting Conor to return and attempt to finish what they’d started. She was glad that wasn’t the case.
At least, that was what she told herself.
She snapped out of her haze and indicated the trunk. “I was just packing for our journey back home.”
“Actually, I wanted to impart some news that I hope is rather welcome.” He smiled candidly. “I thought we may stay in London for a day or two longer this time.”
Delilah blinked, not sure that she’d heard correctly. “Pardon?”
He chuckled. “I can tell I’ve shocked you and rightly so, but I started to think it’s time for you to be around more people your age, rather than rusticating in the country with an old man.”
She tilted her head to the side. “You know I enjoy spending time with you.”
“Yes, well.” He walked past her and then turned to face her once more. This time his expression was pensive. “It has recently come to my… attention that you are of a marriageable age and that if I don’t want to leave you as a lonely spinster, then I should see that you are properly settled.”
Delilah blinked for the second time. How odd that she’d just been pondering these very things just that morning. It was as if he’d read her mind. While the prospect both thrilled and unnerved her, for she might well have more interactions with Mr. Flannigan, she reached out a gentle hand and touched her father’s arm. “Papa, I know how much the horses mean to you. If we need to return so you can check on their welfare—”
He laid a hand on her shoulder, cutting off the rest of her statement. “You have enriched my life more than those Arabians ever have. I’m proud to have you as a daughter. Even when you were a child you never gave me a moment’s trouble and when your mother passed…” He paused, for his voice had turned husky with emotion. “Let’s just say you were the one taking care of me when it should have been the other way around. Now I get the chance to repay the favor.”
Delilah wasn’t much of a watering pot, but the way her eyes stung now, that might change. “I love you, Papa.”
“And I, you.” He kissed the top of her head. “Shall we head to Bond Street and see what sort of fripperies we can purchase?” His eyes shuttered. “Unless, of course, you’d rather go with Miss Ames?”
She reached for his hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. “While I adore Francesca, I would love to spend the afternoon with you.”
He grinned broadly. “Capital.” He glanced at the clothes she had strewn about her bed. “I suppose the first thing we should do is procure something appropriate for a ball.”
“A ball?” Delilah couldn’t hide her excitement. She feared that her dancing lessons would grow rusty with disuse and the chance to finally try out her accomplishments at a society ball was more than thrilling.
“Indeed. The wives of the Jockey Club generally host a Tuesday evening ball in honor of the auction, but I’ve generally declined as we are always on the road back by now.” Disappointment was in his gaze. “I fear it won’t be as grand as what you are hoping for—”
“I am honored to attend,” she finished.
The relief on his face was palpable. “Shall we head off then? If there is one thing I can ensure, it is that my daughter shall arrive in the height of style.”
* * *