Page 59 of The Project
“What the hell am I missing?”Andi asked herself with a heavy sigh as she leaned back in the oversized tub and stared up at the ceiling as she once again found herself trying to make sense of this mess.
She should be working on the rest of the audits, but she just couldn’t shake the feeling that they were missing something. For two years, their mysterious James Jamerson had been busy working behind the scenes, setting up fake employee files, an office, emails, bank accounts, altered files and when he couldn’t do that, he’d destroyed them, leaving them struggling to piece together information and through it all, he’d somehow managed to stay one step ahead of them.
They’d tracked emails, phone calls, and even put the janitor’s closet on the tenth floor under surveillance, hoping to catch him, but so far, the only thing that they’d managed to do was waste their time. Whoever was doing this knew what they were doing. That much was clear. It was either that or they got lucky, Andi thought as she thought over everything that they’d learned over the past few months and-
They were definitely missing something.
The first transfer happened two weeks after the funds for the Hillshire Hotels stock purchase had been authorized. It had been for a thousand dollars and it had been transferred back to the original account. The second transfer had been for the same amount two weeks later and had been transferred to a Carta Hotels’ bank account that had been scheduled to close in less than a month. The third transfer went to a dummy account and when no red flags were raised, he kept going.
The mysterious James Jamerson had been testing to see what they could get away with and for two years, he’d managed to get away with a lot, Andi thought only to frown as something occurred to her.
They’d failed at the beginning.
They transferred money to Roman Palms hotel and failed five times, Andi thought, climbing out of the tub and hastily wrapped a towel around herself as she quickly made her way back into the room and-
Where the hell was her bag?
Worrying her bottom lip, Andi stood there, dripping all over the floor as she glanced at the bed where she could have sworn that she left her backpack and found herself wondering if she forgot it in Devyn’s car. Since she didn’t have the valet stub that was going to be a problem, Andi thought even as she resigned herself to hunting Devyn down so that she could get her hands on that valet stub and get her bag.
Grumbling to herself, she moved to drop the towel so that she could get dressed only to sigh with relief when she spotted her backpack by the door. Not really caring how it got there, Andi grabbed her bag and-
Found herself wondering why it was so light.