Page 82 of Willing (The Un 1)
My reward is a gush of wetness hitting my chin.
She squeezes my head so hard between her thighs I’d fear death if I was a mortal man.
For several long moments her body shakes and trembles around me, her pussy almost sucking at my fingers and drenching my face with her juices.
Once her tremors settle to small shudders, I release her and pull back.
Grinning to myself, I slide my fingers from her hungry cunt and shove them in my mouth. Cleaning each one with great care.
My will is still forcing her to remain as she is on the bed, but I can feel she’s getting ready to resist again.
I slam my desires against it.
“Say you love me,” I rasp.
“I love you,” she hisses as she tries to mentally break through my barrier.
“Say you want me,” I growl.
“Want you,” she responds.
“Tell me how bad you want my cock, little hellcat,” I order.
“I want your cock inside me now,” she snarls, fighting the bond.
“Good girl,” I chuckle before slamming my teeth into her mark.
My tongue lashes against the sensitive skin, blood seeping into my mouth.
Sucking hard, I feel her become submissive through the bond. Her body withering on the bed.
This is definitely new. I don’t know why I didn’t try it before… but fuck, it’s even better than eating her cunt.
Pulling my mouth away from her leg, I order her to keep her thighs spread.
Instantly they spread as if she has no free will at all.
At this moment, I truly doubt she does.
Not with me, I suspect.
Dropping my mouth to her thigh again, I suck against the freshly weeping wounds. My tongue lapping roughly against her mark every few seconds to firmly keep her in control.
Her body shakes and trembles almost violently.
If I didn’t know better, I’d think she was trying to fight me again.
But she’s not.
No, she’s coming over and over.
Trapped in a never-ending orgasm.
When I’ve finally had my careful fill of her, I slowly pull away.
Sitting up on the bed, I watch her slump down into sleep.
Then I lay down beside her and pull into me, draping her arm over my chest.
Eventually she’ll be doing this herself.
Until then I’ll help her out.
“Tell me you want my cock inside your pussy.”
The words echo from far away, warbling as if they’re being transmitted through a staticky radio.
“I want your cock inside my pussy,” I hear myself say, but there’s no emotion in my voice.
It’s almost like someone is mimicking me, and it bothers me.
Who is pretending to be me?
The darkness that’s held me snug in its cold embrace begins to waver, shimmering and thinning.
“Tell me you need me, Chloe,” a man demands between grunts.
“I need you,” my imposter says automatically, their tone so flat and unemotional it’s robotic.
The man growls in displeasure. “Tell me you love me.”
“I love you.”
“Not good enough,” the man snaps. “Tell me you love me and fucking mean it.”
The three words are repeated, just as empty and disinterested as before. “I love you.”
“No, Chloe,” the man says harshly. “Try harder.”
I feel a flash of irritation, and I’m not sure if it’s mine or if it belongs to whoever is controlling my voice. “I love you.”
“I don’t fucking believe you,” the man says angrily, and I can understand his frustration.
Whoever is pretending to be me is a terrible actress. I don’t believe the words, either.
“Look into my eyes,” he commands.
Something hard tugs at the center of my chest.
“That’s good,” he purrs a moment later. “Yes, give me those eyes, beautiful. Now tell me you love me.”
My imposter huffs and grunts as if they’re doing something strenuous.
“I love you,” they mutter, and this time there’s emotion in their voice.
Fury bordering on hate.
It burns inside me, flaring and licking at the darkness.
“No, look at me, dammit. Stop turning your face away. Give me your eyes, angel.”
The tug yanks on me and I’m almost pulled through to the other side.
My thighs clamp around something hard and my body stiffens, fighting the compulsion.
I don’t want to leave my darkness. I don’t want to leave the safety of not existing.
Existing is too painful.
If given a choice, I choose not to be.
“Look at me, Chloe. Give me your eyes, goddammit. See me,” the man nearly roars.
Phantom fingers wrap around my throat and I’m ripped into existence. Dragged through the veil, shaking and internally screaming.
Awareness of what my body has been doing without me crashes into me even as light and colors assault my eyes.
Too harsh, too bright.
Momentarily blinded, I become aware that I’m straddling a man. Straddling him and vigorously riding his cock. Bouncing up and down like my life depends on it.
I’ll die… fucking die if I don’t reach the release he keeps dangling just out of my reach.
“Give me your fucking eyes,” Asher snarls, the fingers he has wrapped around my throat tightening.
Unable to resist him, my eyes drop down, and two things happen at once.