Page 85 of Willing (The Un 1)
His thrusting hips begin to crash into me with inhuman speed.
Moving so fast, they’re only a blur.
As quickly as everything is happening, my brain can’t keep up with my body. There’s a few seconds before the full force of what he’s pushing on me settles in.
And during those few breaths, I realize only I can handle him.
Only I can handle this, as he put it.
A human woman wouldn’t be able to take his strength or brutality. She wouldn’t be able to hold up under his power. Her bones would shatter and her body would break, buckling beneath him. It would be unbearable agony.
But I can.
I was born for this.
I was made for this.
This is my purpose.
As soon as that thought slithers through my brain, the pleasure hits me. Sweeping over me like a fucking tidal wave.
It’s indescribable.
Beyond earth-shattering, it’s life-changing.
My entire existence explodes. The sparks of my very being glittering in front of my eyes.
I thought when he sucked on my mark, nothing could be as incredible or mind-breaking. And I thought wrong.
This… this is everything.
This is what it feels like to die over and over.
To be reborn.
To be remade.
Nails digging into the back of his neck, the only place I can grab him, I try my best to hold on to him. Afraid I’ll fly off the face of the earth and hit the stars.
I swear if he wasn’t above me, weighing me down, I’d be lost. Floating and drifting away.
But his body acts as my anchor, keeping me in the here and now.
Trapped beneath him.
Caged in the whirlwind of our bodies truly meeting for the first time.
Until the bed suddenly lets out a loud groan of protest and the frame collapses.
My stomach jumps into my throat as we suddenly drop, the mattress crashing to the floor.
Pausing only long enough to grab the headboard before it falls on us, Asher’s eyes never leave my eyes.
His face a mask of rage over the interruption.
I sense if the bed was a living, breathing thing, he’d tear it to pieces for daring to stop what he’s been waiting almost a thousand years to do.
Whipping his arm back, he flings the headboard across the room to get it out of the way. Sending it crashing into a wall somewhere.
Before the wood of the headboard is done cracking and splintering, he’s hunched over me again.
Driving into me with a renewed purpose.
There will be completion.
There’s no pause in his rapid, supernatural thrusts.
No chance to grapple with what he’s doing to me.
Just a constant, never-ending barrage on my g-spot.
Open for me, he demands inside my head.
Not understanding what he wants, I cling to him, trying to survive the moment.
Behind my ribs I feel a weird kind of pressure, like I swallowed too much air, but I instinctually will it away.
Open for me, Chloe, he demands again.
But I still don’t understand. Am I not already open for him? Spread as wide as I am?
Does he want to split me in half?
Snarling in frustration, Asher pounds into me harder. His thrusts becoming vicious and brutal to match his irritation.
My body rocks beneath him, my nails sinking deeper into his skin to find my own purchase.
“Why must you fight me on everything?” he grunts with exertion.
The words I’m sorry spring to my lips but never make it past them because the pressure behind my ribs returns, increasing in intensity.
It annoys the hell out of me, and I try to make it go away with a push of my will. But it stubbornly refuses to budge. No matter hard how I try to shake it off or dislodge it, the feeling remains.
Driving me to distraction.
A smirk teases at Asher’s lips and the muscles in his arms flex as he redoubles his effort to fuck me past the very edge of sanity.
I glare at him, wondering if he knows what I’m experiencing.
Is he causing it somehow? Punishing me because I’m supposedly fighting him? I don’t even know what he thinks I’m—
My thoughts are cut short as Asher’s eyes gleam and he commands, “Open for me, Chloe. Let me in.”
The annoying pressure behind my ribs expands then bursts, shattering an invisible barrier I didn’t even know existed.
For one horrible, awful moment I’m open.
Open, vulnerable, and painfully exposed.
It’s worse than being naked.
It’s worse than having a vampire sniffing at my neck as a human.
It’s like my soul is hanging out for the whole world to see.
But it’s over quickly.
Before panic can overwhelm me, Asher is filling me up. Sliding into my jagged crack and making me whole again.
Where once there was emptiness… now there is him. He spreads throughout me, his essence warming all my cold, dark, and hollow spaces.
But he doesn’t stop at my empty parts. No, he moves and pushes me around until some of me is spilling out and flowing into him.